Certified Practitioner Form

Please fill out the form by clicking the button below. In addition make sure to upload a headshot for your biography + your course certificates using the upload button. This is a 2-part process.

Please make sure that files you upload are renamed with your name (i.e. ‘john smith certificate.jpg’, ‘john smith profile.jpg’,).

Requirements to apply:

-Any two certifications: Angels and Ancestors Live Online Intensive Training, Angel Card Mastery, Certified Crystal Energy Guide, Certified Angel Guide

-Minimum 6 months certification before an application can be filled out

-You must be Self-employed for tax purposes

-You must have a page listing your services. This could be a website or Facebook Page

List of Files to Upload

-Biography Photo: Please use a good quality image. Minimum dimensions 800 pixels by 800 pixels.

-Biography: 100-150 words. Please take some time to craft a bio that helps people understand who you are and WHAT you offer.

-Short Bio: 25-35 words, for the Certified Practitioners Landing Page.

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