Embody your Body


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Embody your Body

Have you noticed that it has become popular and even on trend to be busy? We go around with full schedules and have grown used to being on the go.

There’s nothing wrong with being busy, but sometimes when we get pulled into the vortex of activity we forget about our own needs and can miss a lot of the messages our body and soul are sending us.

Have you allowed yourself to become addicted to being busy? Do you feel lost when your schedule for the day is empty? If the answer is ‘yes’, it’s time to change that. 

Have you ever noticed that if you’ve had a really busy few months, when you finally take a holiday or even a day off, you get sick? That’s your body making sure that you finally stop and just take some time to be with yourself.

When you come back to your body, you come back to the clearest guidance system you have. When you give yourself the amazing gift of more time to really listen, you’ll hear what the body wants you to know. If you take the time to check in with your body on a regular basis, you won’t have to face a more intense signal from it when it needs your attention.

Today you are encouraged to come back into your body. Take some time to give thanks for this amazing vehicle and the messages it sends you. Your body wants nothing more than to be happy and healthy, and if you really, really listen to it, it will tell you what it needs in order to be well.

You can even ask your body if it would like certain types of food or drink. All you have to do is close your eyes, come back to your breath, think of the particular food or drink and ask, ‘Is this what you would like today?’ or ‘Will this agree with you today?’ You will instinctively get a clear feeling of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 

When you become more aware of the natural rhythms and message of your body, you will become spiritually ‘embodied’, and this deeper state of awareness will allow you to raise your vibration. 

Your body is the home of your soul. Listen to it and learn how it can support you on your spiritual pathway.

Vibe of the Day

+Closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths, just become aware of your body and the natural flow of your breath.

+Instinctively place your hands on a part of your body that you feel needs your attention or some more energy.

+Breathe deeply into your hands and allow your breath to carry extra life-force energy to this area of your body.

+Listen to anything you feel your body wants you to know. Become aware of the natural signs, signals and messages it sends you.

+When you’re ready, set your intention with the words in the photo above.


‘My body always tells me what I need.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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