Angels Are With You Now


Discover proof that angels are guiding and protecting you and the tools to strengthen this connection to transform the way you live your life.

In Angels Are With You Now, Kyle Gray wants you to know that angels are with you. You don’t have to be a believer to invite the angels into your life and call on them for guidance. You don’t have to be religious to have felt their presence. The angels see you, they love you, and they are ready to support you if you ask them to.

In this book, you will discover:

  • Who the angels are: Go beyond modern images of angels and understand that they have many faces and many names

  • Angels through the ages: Delve into an anthropology of angels that unites the ideas of angels across cultures and traditions

  • Guidelines for working with angels: Develop methods for building a relationship with angels, recognizing messages and signs from angels, and discovering some of the new ways that angels are getting in touch

  • The spiritual laws that govern angel connection: Explore guidelines for working with angels and the four pillars of angelic connection

  • The boy who saw angels: Learn from stories of Kyle Gray’s personal encounters with angels, as well as real-life testimonies from everyday people who have experienced the angels’ guidance in their lives

Whether or not you have always believed in them, your angels are with you now and want to support you.

“Kyle Gray is an incredibly talented guide for a new generation of spiritual seekers and the already converted.” – Gabby Bernstein, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Archangel Activations Oracle

Use your intuition to connect with the angels, and immediately receive their guidance and positive energies, with this unique and accessible oracle card deck.

Angelic Activations Oracle is a 44-card oracle deck that acts as a bridge between Earth and the Celestial realms so that you can receive direct insight from the angels guiding your way. It differs from other oracle card decks as you will receive instant guidance from the cards themselves, rather than having to turn to the guidebook.

Use your intuition to pick the angel that has a message for you and then turn over the card to receive immediate guidance from the meanings, messages and activations on the back.

Filled with prayers, messages and spiritual wisdom, Angelic Activations Oracle will help you to:

  • Call on angelic energy for guidance and protection

  • Activate and experience the best version of yourself

  • Live in alignment with your higher purpose

  • Step into the light you were born to be

Call directly on the heavenly assistance of the angels, receive their divine wisdom and immediate support, and awaken your inner spiritual abilities to heal and step into your purpose.

Artwork by Jessica Tuminello

The 22 ARchangels Oracle

Tap into the powerful, supportive force of the Archangels with this 22-card oracle from best-selling author, card deck creator, and angel expert Kyle Gray.

The Archangels are a divine legion of angels who have been charged by the light of God to serve, protect, heal, and guide humanity towards wholeness. These divine Angels create a bridge between the realms and are here to support you through this lifetime.

This deck has been specially developed to work in tandem with The Angel Guide Oracle and The Divine Masters Oracle to form part of a mega-deck, or can be used as a standalone deck to help you connect with the Archangels in your daily spiritual practice and life. With encouraging messages from Michael, Raziel, Amethyst, Gabriel, and many more divine beings, you'll be guided to:

  • Release yourself from judgment and tap into your intuition and psychic abilities.

  • Understand and embody what it means to reach a state of forgiveness, let go of the past, and experience the miracle of the present.

  • Open your heart to the opportunities for you to love and be loved.

  • Enter a space of real transformation and move towards wholeness and healing.

  • Live with purpose and leave a legacy of healing on Earth.

Call upon the Archangels to protect, guide, and encourage you, and feel their comforting presence at your side as you journey along your spiritual path.

Artwork by Jennifer Hawkyard



From the author of the international bestseller Raise Your Vibration

The Divine Masters Oracle card deck brings together a congregation of enlightened souls who have dedicated themselves to the healing and nurturing of the world. These beings are universal spiritual guides and, like angels, anyone can connect and work with them, no matter their background or experience.

You may already know some of them―Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Horus―but there are many more, and they are all ready to support you on your spiritual path. All you have to do is call upon them.

Use this oracle card deck to connect and communicate directly with these beings. When your intention is combined with the imagery, meanings, and messages of the cards, guidance from the Divine Masters will come to you not just through the cards, but from within too.

Artwork by Jennifer Hawkyard


An exciting deck to support you in living a High-Vibe Life!

From the author of the international bestseller of Raise Your Vibration

In every moment you can make a choice to Raise Your Vibration — and take the opportunity to align your life with purpose and energy. This 48-card deck is a powerful tool to help you activate your intuition, harness universal wisdom and attract positive experiences into your everyday.

This oracle is a powerful spiritual tool to support you in embracing your purpose and living a high-vibe life. Discover how to reflect on the innate wisdom of your heart and soul, activate the flow of your spiritual energy centres, and bring high vibes into everything you do.

Each vibrant card will empower you to unlock infinite intelligence from within and increase your frequency of positive energy for yourself, those around you and the wider world. Let the simple yet powerful messages provide confirmation, affirmation and light as you do the inner work and raise your vibration!

Artwork by Ari Wisner



A revised and updated edition of the international bestseller!

Over 100,000 copies sold worldwide

A brand-new edition to help you lift your energy, unlock a higher frequency, and start receiving more joy and miracles in your life!

Everything is comprised of energy, including you! You express energy in what you create, experience, and attract. Right now, the Universe is calling you to align your life to a higher energetic frequency, and at any given moment you have the opportunity to Raise Your Vibration. Let best-selling author Kyle Gray be your guide!

This new edition focuses Kyle’s teachings into 77 essential practices, sharing inspiring affirmations, channeled wisdom, and energetic messages to help you awaken your divine connection and activate your light. You’ll discover how to:

· Trust in the love and support of the Universe
· Clear your energy field and protect your vibes
· Activate the flow of spiritual energy through your chakras
· Cultivate a daily spiritual practice with simple tools
· Attract positive experiences into your everyday

Leading a high-vibe life means living with purpose and love. It’s about recognizing your potential and directing it accordingly, so that you make room for an endless flow of miracles, guidance, and support in every area of your life.



Step through 44 illuminating gateways to realign your energy space and reach your own infinite potential.

This oracle is a stargate portal between this realm and the next, connecting you with the infinite intelligence of the universe. Each card forms an energetic bridge to help you connect with the divine guidance and ancient wisdom of spiritual retreat spaces, guardian light beings, and your own chakra energy centers through intuitive readings and dynamic spreads. On this journey you'll connect with Divine Consciousness and receive messages to raise your vibration.



A new and fresh guide to the Ascended Masters and how to work with them for greater peace and connection.

Discover new tools and wisdom to connect with the enlightened Ascended Masters, and receive their guidance, healing, protection and support on your spiritual path.

Bestselling author Kyle Gray offers the first new guide in several years that looks at the Ascended Masters and explains how they can bring healing to the Earth, the cosmos and your life. The Ascended Masters are enlightened souls who once walked the Earth (or other planets) and continue to offer their emotional intelligence and spiritual teachings to the world. You may already know some of them - Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Jesus - but did you know there are many more, and that they are here to support you on your spiritual path?



This powerful oracle invites you to connect with your very own guardian angels and shares 44 powerful messages of divine inspiration, love, and positive action.

Everyone has one or more angels with them at all times; they are always there to offer guidance and support. This oracle deck encourages spiritual seekers to connect with their very own angels. Instead of focusing on named angels or higher beings from spiritual texts, this deck is open to interpretation so that it offers a space for everyone to find an angel they relate to.

Some messages in this oracle guide the seeker to develop their own interpretations in an intuitive way ('Blessings and Abundance', 'Surrender, and 'Divine Timing') while others prompt positive action from the seeker ('Take a Step Back', 'Clear, Cancel and Release', and 'Expect Miracles'). The Angel Guide Oracle can be easily used by complete beginners and will inspire spiritual seekers wherever they are on their journey to tap into their intuition and feel their angels' presence by their side.



If you ever feel that your prayers are going unanswered, Kyle Gray is here to change this for good. In this expanded edition of Angel Prayers, Kyle reveals how to use affirmative prayer to bring about positive change in your life.

You’ll learn about: the power of prayer, the spiritual laws at play in the world and how your words and intentions affect your life, the Angelic Hierarchy, invocations and prayers to call specific Angels and Archangels, including lesser known Angels such as Faith, Hope and Charity

As well as introducing you to angelic beings you might not have heard of before, Kyle also shares powerful prayers to support you through all life events. Get ready to open up to the beautiful world of angel prayers – and to see miraculous results!



The angels are divine messengers who are dedicated to healing the world, and are always coming up with new ways to remind the human race of their presence around us.

Living in a digital age, we are surrounded by numbers more than ever and the angels have discovered this is an accessible way for their messages to reach us. Have you ever seen repetitive number sequences on your phone, dashboard, receipts or number plates - or even woken up at the same random time through the night? The angels have messages for us that can help us change our life, fulffil our purpose on Earth and experience support from our Divine guides.

Within Angel Numbers, bestselling Hay House author Kyle Gray explains the angels' messages behind number sequences such as 11:11, 22:22, 3:33 and 4:44, as well as which numbers bring big changes and when to expect miracles.



We are surrounded by countless guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. Among them are the Angels and Ancestors.

In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge and magic with us. In this empowering 55-card oracle deck, Celtic, Native American, Aboriginal and Earth-based spiritualities bridge the gap between this world and the next. The Angels and Ancestors know what you need to know, and by using the accompanying guidebook you'll learn how to unlock their secrets and messages, and live a life touched by divine, magical guidance.



From the age of four, Kyle Gray has been blessed by the presence of angels who stood alongside him as he developed his talents to become the UK's youngest professional psychic medium at the age of sixteen.

In this book, Kyle takes the reader on an emotional and uplifting journey into the world of angels, and reveals his own beautiful and inspiring story of learning to communicate with the other side, which started when his beloved grandmother passed over. This communication was to become his vocation and purpose, and Kyle is now known for the startling accuracy of his readings. 

Drawing on his years of experience helping people to share the wisdom and messages of the angels, Kyle teaches you ways in which you too can make your own connections, change your ways of thinking, and finally achieve everything you have ever dreamed of.

An intensely personal and moving book, Angels Whisper in my Ear offers comfort, wisdom and practical advice that will help transform your life.



Kyle Gray's Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck is a powerful spiritual tool that allows you to tap into the profound wisdom and healing support of the angels in a way that will feel real and positive. Using bright, modern imagery together with traditional symbolism, this exciting deck is full of loving messages from the angels, archangels and even the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Each card also offers you a powerful affirmative prayer that will help you to resolve specific situations in your life for the highest good.

Your angels have been with you throughout your life and they understand the challenging situations of your past. They will help you release all that you no longer need so that you can find the peace and harmony you deserve in this present moment. You and your guides will eventually create your own language, and your deck will become your friend and your very own spiritual support system.



The Keepers of the Light is a congregation of Ascended Masters and divine beings that are dedicated to the peace, healing, and nurturing of the world. These amazing masters transcend religion and go beyond time – they are here and willing to help all of those who call on them.

The new Keepers of the Light oracle card deck from Kyle Gray draws together 44 Ascended Masters, spiritual deities, and beings from many world traditions, and embraces spiritual teachings from ancient to modern times. The deck balances male and female energies, and includes traditional masters like Lord Buddha and Mother Mary, Earth-based deities like Gaia and Cernunnos, and modern favorites like Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and Saint Germain.

Each card is beautifully hand drawn by visionary artist Lily Moses, who paints what she sees from a deep meditative state. The deck’s aim is to help spiritual seekers to develop their intuition and to really start trusting the messages that spirit shares.



Wings of Forgiveness is a book for anyone who is ready to release their past and find freedom from fear. Kyle has found through his personal psychic practice and work with the angels that when people are experiencing difficulties, there is one topic that helps click everything else into place – forgiveness. Forgiveness is not an easy subject, but it is a necessary focus in spirituality and personal growth. 

In this book, the reader is taken on a journey – not outside of themselves, but within. Drawing on many spiritual texts, including A Course in Miracles and The Gnostic Gospels, Kyle shows that we truly are all held and cherished by the divine, and makes these sacred concepts more accessible for his 21st-century readers. Together with the angels, he will show you how to call in the power of heaven to help you forgive, release all that no longer serves you and experience joy and peace.



Within the light no shadow can exist

A light worker is anyone who has heard the internal call to make a difference in the world. A light warrior is someone who chooses to respond to the call. Light Warrior is a manual for those who are ready to take action but may be feeling sensitive, powerless and fearful of the unknown.

In this book, angel expert Kyle Gray encourages you to identify the fears holding you back and gives you the spiritual armoury to help you become the light warrior you were born to be. You’ll be introduced to a number of warrior workouts that will help you to:

drop the shields of fear and accept support
create a loving connection with your angels and guides
increase your psychic protection and assertive voice
overcome the fear of persecution
step into the magic of ceremony

Are you ready to overcome your blocks, create internal shifts and embrace the light within? Let Light Warrior show you the way!

Connecting with the Angels Made Easy: How to See, Hear and Feel Your Angels


Learn how to communicate with the angels and interpret their signs for healing, support and guidance.

Kyle Gray is one of the UK's most sought-after angel experts. He discovered his spiritual gift at the tender age of four and now dedicates his life to helping others tune in to their own intuitive talents. In this book, Kyle teaches readers how to connect with the angels and bring their divine, loving presence into all areas of life for powerful
transformations. You will learn:
- how to connect to your own guardian angel
- how to see, hear and feel the presence of the angels
- ways to communicate with the angels and powerful methods to seek their help
- how to receive messages from the angels and truly trust their guidance
- the different types of angels and their role in each area of your life

This title was previously published as Angels (Hay House Basics series).

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