Sensitivity is so Special


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Sensitivity is so Special

In our world, expressing emotion has never really been encouraged. You just have to look at an average parent with a child who has just hurt themselves: ‘Shhhhh,’ they’ll say as they rub the child’s sore bruise, or even, ‘Stop crying, come on.’

Did your parents display emotion or not? Did you ever see your mum cry or did she say, ‘I’m fine,’ and try to hide it if she was upset? Did your dad hold his emotions in? It’s highly likely. From very early on in our lives, we learn that being emotional is wrong.

The truth is, emotions are a gift. They are messages from our body and heart telling us something is important. If we ignore them, we are ignoring any guidance that is coming through.

When you raise your vibration, you begin to trust your emotions, and the insights the universe is bringing you will be as clear as day.

Today you are encouraged to observe your emotions. What are they? How can you express them?

When you really allow yourself to express your emotions, you give yourself an opportunity to pick up the messages that are coming through to you on an intuitive level.

True emotions are beautiful and it’s okay to be sensitive.


‘My emotions are the messengers of my soul. I wholly embrace them.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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