Forget about Fashion, Follow your Passion


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Forget about Fashion, Follow your Passion

We are so blessed to be in this world because there are unlimited opportunities for us to learn and grow. The beauty of this world is the fact that we are all different and we all have our own interests. We all have something that we are passionate about.

Passion is a natural energy that flows through all of us. It helps us express who we really are and share our gifts, talents and creativity with the world.

Our passion can be something to do with our career or a hobby that we are involved in. As I mentioned earlier, I love practising yoga and I love snowboarding. I feel uplifted every time I do either of these activities. When I feel that rush of excitement and fulfillment, all ideas of lack of limitation leave my mind and I feel full and supported.

Our truest form - our soul - is always in a place that is filled with support, abundance and fulfillment. When we do what we love, we allow that sense of abundance to move into our body and mind - we experience it on a physical level.

What’s your passion? What do you love to do? When you choose to do what you love, you express yourself fully and become centred with your soul.

Your passion is prosperous too. When you let go of what you think you should do and follow what you instinctively feel is right for you, all limitations in your mind begin to melt away. When you’re in a place of deep excitement and love, you’re lifted so high on a vibrational level that you’re in touch with the totality of possibility and you move onto a frequency that has unlimited support and potential for you. If you believe that you have the ability to create positive changes in your life, this is the time to do it, my friend. When you are pulsing within your passion you are literally within the heart of the universe and you can manifest the life you love.

Vibe of the Day

Today you are encouraged to find some time, even if it’s 10 minutes, to do what you love or, if that’s really not possible, to dream about what you love. It’s important that this done without pressure or expectation, so choose something that’s not connected with your work.

When you are doing (or dreaming of) what you love, really feel the excitement. Enjoy every moment and breathe it all in.

Then, if you have any goals or dreams of manifesting something in your life, hold them in your mind and say the words from the photo.


‘Experiencing my passions is experiencing prosperity.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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