You are Safe
You are Safe
In order for the earth to feel safe, you have to feel safe.
In order for you to feel safe, the earth has to feel safe.
There's synergetic relationship with both statements.
If you're feeling unsafe in yourself, the world can tend to reflect this. You may find yourself in circumstances or situations that echo this feeling of unsafe. This can be extremely difficult to change and shake especially if you have been subjected to a difficult start in life or a lifestyle that has chipped away at your worthiness.
But you have been called here and there is great reason for you in this space, at this time. The fact that you are even reading these words and are in this space today is testament to the fact that somewhere deep within you, you know that the feeling of safety is something you can claim, feel and embody.
Today's message from the Universe is simple and clear:
You were born with a driving desire to leave this Earth in a better state than how it was when you came to it. That’s what Raising Your Vibration is all about – even if your initial plan was to become a more positive person for yourself or even for your family, you are responding to a greater call from the Universe for the Earth.
All that you do in yourself and for yourself, is what you offer up to the world. Therefore, feeling safe and experiencing safety is a purposeful mission. You feeling safe, creates a wave of healing and change that washes over your world and bit by bit this can contribute to a greater healing.
In order to move into a safe place, you have to acknowledge all the fears you have. Taking time to ‘feel them out’ allows you to realise and recognise that feelings are just feelings and they do not have to be your truth. You can change the narrative.
This isn’t about avoidance. This is about recognition.
Feel how you need to feel before working on feeling how you want to feel.
The medicine to overcoming your fears is the remembering that even though you can be hurt emotionally or physically, the real you can never be tarnished. Your soul is eternal and unbreakable. Let that be the light that guides you to safety.
‘There is no place safer for me to be than in my body.
My body is the home of my soul.
My outer self is a reflection of my inner self.
My soul is the true and real aspect of me and it can never be broken, tarnished or damaged.
My soul is healed and whole.
Today I claim my safety, because the light of my soul shines within a light of protection.
I am safe!’
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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