Soul Expansion
Soul Expansion
Your Message
You may feel that you’ve retreated from the world recently. Maybe you’ve not been as active socially or spiritually, but this time of inner rest has really paid off. You are becoming more and more consciously aware of how connected you are to God and all living beings. This sense of union is called yoga. Yoga goes beyond physical ability and into a sense of awareness that’s created through spiritual practice, meditation and devotion to the divine. Mahavatar Babaji, the yogic father, is here to inspire that fire of union within you so that you can understand how your thoughts and actions are creating the waves of energy that form your life.
Extended Message
Mahavatar means ‘great incarnation, or avatar’ and Babaji means ‘sacred father’. Mahavatar Babaji is a deeply respected master yogi who was introduced to the world through the teachings of the Indian yogi Paramahansa Yogananda. Babaji, as he’s called for short, is said to be over 2,000 years old and able to travel between Earth and other worlds. He is said to have an invisible temple in the Himalayas that can appear to those he wants to connect with. Many believe that he is like Christ himself, bringing deep love, acceptance, forgiveness, insight and direction.
Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
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Dharma Unfolding
Dharma Unfolding
Your Message
When Djwal Khul appears in a reading, he reminds you that your path is unfolding as it should. Take one step at a time and remember that your only spiritual function is to be happy. You are a powerful person with many lessons under your belt and a real capacity to share your wisdom with the world. Take the time to go over what you have learned recently, recognize the strengths it has brought you and acknowledge where you have been courageous. Djwal Khul is now working with your angel guides to help your journey unfold like a beautiful lotus flower, one petal at a time.
Extended Message
Djwal Khul (pronounced Dwaaahl Cool), known as ‘the Tibetan’, is a Tibetan Buddhist master. He is said to have had many incarnations, including as a devotee of Buddha himself and as one of the three wise men who honoured the baby Jesus. Through his earthly experiences, he has learned the importance of spiritual practice and discipline, and knows that the path we are on unfolds over time. He is now helping lightworkers follow their dharma, which is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘right way of living’.
Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
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Facing Fear
Facing Fear
Your Message
This is a time when you are able to look fear in the eye and move away from it. Fear is just energy, and energy can be changed. This can be an intense experience because the human self is so conditioned that it may be used to operating with fear present. When the fear is gone, it may feel as though an emptiness is there, but this is space for love and miracles to enter. You are being filled with the courage of spirit now so that you can move from this phase of your life to the next. Trust the process and call on Kali-Ma to help you release your fear and step into a space that’s strong, focused and courageous.
Extended Message
Kali-Ma is the Hindu goddess of death and rebirth. She brings old cycles to an end so we can experience transformation. She is a strong, fierce, fiery and powerful image of the divine feminine. Many have been intimidated by her, but she is a mother energy and therefore completely loving – she’s like a fierce mother protecting her child from harm. She has a dark energy like the night sky, but it consumes fear and leaves only love. She is the twin flame of the god Shiva and has even been known to slay his ego so that he can reveal his true loving self.
Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
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Call to Action
Call to Action
Your Message
You are receiving a call to action and being asked to step up and create the changes you want to see in the world. Divine inspiration is all around you and Ashtar and his legion of cosmic angels are standing by to offer you loving support. Know that you are being encouraged to be honest, assertive and true in a loving way. You may feel your ego trying to hold you back, but know that when you take the first step, the next one will soon follow. Take some time to connect with the universe by looking up at the stars, knowing that there are loving beings of light gazing back down on you. You are not alone.
Extended Message
Ashtar, also known as Commander Ashtar, is a multi- dimensional being who promotes truth, peace and harmony between the planets. He is said to be an extraterrestrial but appears in human form so that he can communicate at heart level with all those on Earth who call on him. He is part of the Great White Brotherhood, a congregation of light beings who work to bring healing to the world, and is a wonderful guide to those who are feeling the call to bring positivity, healing and inspiration to those around them. He lifts up the hearts of leaders and inspires them to walk their path with complete integrity.
Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
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Enjoy Growth & Reap Rewards
The Lady
Your Message
Reap what you have sown and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Grow and expand in all areas of your life.
Extended Message
Fertility, growth and abundance are all imminent when the Lady arrives in your life. All the seeds you have planted are coming to life and there are plenty more rewards to come. In a material sense, this card can represent financial security and comfort – it shows that there will be more than enough to go round. If you are making business deals or setting intentions to create financial growth, this card indicates a considerable amount of monetary success. The Lady can also usher in other forms of abundance – opportunities, marriage proposals and even the birth of a child. She will help you respect nature and connect with its forces in order to have a genuinely supported journey through life.
Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
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The Inner Voice
The Inner Voice
Your Message
The Angels are now ready to bring you guiding thoughts and feelings and inspiring words. Within you is a strong and resilient voice that they are able to use to send you guidance. So, take some time to ‘listen within’. You’ve been asking for help and support from the higher realms and they are now ready to guide you lovingly to the next step. Any loving guidance you are hearing at this time is 100 percent from source. Trust it.
Extended Message
The inner voice is very subtle and it takes patience and the willingness to listen in order to truly hear what it says. But you will know when the Angels are speaking to you because whatever they present to you will be wholly loving and supportive and there will be no rush. If your ‘guidance’ is to do something that will bring harm to you or another person or you are promised excessive riches, then you’ll know your ego has taken over. Close your eyes and listen. Support is there for you now. Say the prayer and then trust.
Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Take Charge and Action
Take Charge and Action
Your Message
Don’t be afraid to take charge or be strong at this time. Sometimes we have to take control in order to be respected or honored. If you feel that your current situation is moving in a direction that isn’t serving you, your joy, or your purpose, the message of this card is to put your foot down now. You don’t have to be aggressive, but you do need clarity now, and unless you step in, it won’t unfold. So, set a good example. Respect yourself. Lead rather than be led. If you’re wondering whether to make the next move in a particular situation, this card encourages you to do so. Often angels find it difficult to support us fully unless we make the first move. Meet them halfway now by showing your commitment to moving forward.
Extended Message
If you are feeling ambitious at this time, this card is asking you to trust in your gifts and potential. You have the opportunity to move forward in your career, personal life, and spiritual life. You are a co creator with the universe and your angel guide is encouraging you to take action. By setting clear intentions, having a strong vision and taking the action steps you need to make your ideas come to life, you are showing the universe your commitment to your expansion. Know that with every step you take, your angels are with you, cheerleading and encouraging you to rise on up! Rise up! Focus your intention and send it out like an arrow!
Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Set Your Sights Higher
Set Your Sights Higher
Your Message
Do you ever remember wishing on a star when you were a child and in your innocence believing that your wish would come true? The Stargazer connects with the energy of the cosmos and reminds you that you have the ability to draw in support from the universe. His cloak, with its sparkles and light, shows that you are closer to the energy of the universe than you think – you don’t have to go out looking for it, it’s already there. So look beyond where you are and create even bigger dreams, visions and goals, because with the power and help of the cosmos, those wishes can come true.
Extended Message
You are on the verge of a miracle. All of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp and you are being guided to focus on your vision. The angels who are with you are encouraging you. There is nothing that you cannot have or achieve. There’s an opportunity at this time to heal an old wound or pattern of lack and not feeling good enough. In the past you’ve often found it impossible to recognize your worth and to believe that you are deserving of blessings. Angel and ancestor wisdom is reminding you that you are an incredible and infinite spark of the universe, and the universe is not only within you, it absolutely adores you. You are talented, filled with strength and have the abilities you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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