Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Move in a New Direction

Angel Message Monday


The road you are on may be the road less traveled, but this journey is going to be highly beneficial for your emotional and spiritual growth. If it isn't about covering outer distance, it's about covering distance within, and you will be evolving every single moment of it. Remember to keep things simple and to lighten your load, because that will make your journey more enjoyable. You are also being encouraged to see how far you've come and how you've really grown as a person, because this recognition will support you in going even further. And there's a good chance that along the way you'll make new friends who will become companions for a lifetime.

Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram: @kylegrayuk

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Take Care of Your Needs

Angel Message Monday


You have an opportunity to move beyond your fears. Although you may feel in the dark, get comfortable with being in the unknown and trust that the light within you will sustain you through what may seem a challenging process. Ask yourself what you need to do to feel supported and alive. You may uncover something from your past that you have buried deep. Know that when you unearth it and shed light on it, you create space for miracles. You may feel like a lone wolf right now, but it's time for you to be the alpha!

When the Winter card arrives in the future position of a spread or as the last card of a reading, it can also indicate that the coming winter will usher in important energies with regards to your question or intention.

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Be Brave and Honest

Angel Message Monday


Angel Message Monday

The energy of respect is important right now. You are being encouraged to figure out what is important to you and what you stand for. If you are in a space where there's opposition, you are being guided to follow through with integrity, because even if it seems this will slow your progress, your rewards will be much more abundant. You are being surrounded by a light of bravery to help you.

This card also brings justice. If you are longing for justice, please know that the universal energies are working to bring everything back into order and that you don't need to force anything through with your will. If you have made any mistakes recently, it's important to take ownership of them so that you can align yourself with improving the situation. If you are feeling the need to defend your spiritual path at this time, back down and let it protect you.


Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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