High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Right now is a Gift

Right now is a Gift


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Right now is a gift - that’s why it’s called the Present!

There is no place more powerful than the present moment. This very moment is when you are at your most powerful. But most of us choose to think about our past or what we need to do next. 

Today’s technique is all about getting back to the present moment. Imagine for a moment that there’s a beautiful golden light above your head and it’s moving to the tips of your fingers and toes. The same golden light is moving over and through every cell of your skin. It is moving through your vital organs and through the air you breathe. It is replenishing your lungs and dancing through the flow of your blood.

The light that you are imagining is life itself and essentially it’s made of love. On a subtle level right now it’s moving through us all, but because we are so busy with what’s going on in our lives we forget about this beautiful connection to the universe.

When you choose to remember this light and to breathe with ease, knowing you are part of it, you recognize the gift of life. And when you recognize the gift of life, you raise your vibration so high that you can ignite a light in other people.

When you welcome miracles and gifts into your life, you don’t deprive others of them. In fact, by recognizing the beauty of the universe, accepting its support and feeling grateful for it, you are demonstrating to others how they can feel supported too.

Today, up your vibes by recognizing that raising your vibration is not only a gift you give to yourself but a gift you offer to others simply through your smile.

‘I offer the gift of the present to others through my smile.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Karma Releasing

Karma Releasing


Karma is the spiritual law of cause and effect. We experience many levels of karma. Some we inherit from our family and some from the people we keep helping out of the problems they keep creating. Saint Germain is here now to clear your energy so that you no longer have the weight of the world, or your loved ones' world, on your shoulders. Be aware that an old pattern is leaving your life and creating space for something more loving to enter. Visualize yourself surrounded by a fiery violet cloak to release all the karma you no longer need.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

This world is blessed to have you!

This world is blessed to have you!


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: This world is blessed to have you!

When we grow up in this world there’s a lot going on that can make us feel very small. So part of us is trained to be modest. If we brush past someone for example, we’ll say ‘Sorry’. This can be seen as good manners, but have you ever felt that you’re saying that word too much? If your answer is ‘yes’, it’s important to access the inner story that’s going on. Are you looking to be excused for existing? Do you feel that you have a right to be here on Earth?

You are an essential part of this world and it’s important that you know it. In fact it’s important that you own it. You have a divine right to be here and the universe is grateful that you are.

Are you surprised to hear that? Do you feel that you’re creating more challenges and problems down here than you’d like? If so, there’s a right to be here and recognize that you are a beautiful facet of this world. The fact that you are here is a gift in itself and anything that you bring with you is a bonus.

You don’t need an excuse for your presence. You don’t have to take on a heap of responsibility to justify your existence either. That’s just your ego talking.

The fact that you are here today is a gift to the world. Believe it.

‘I am so grateful to be here on Earth.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Trust Your Vibes

Trust Your Vibes


Your psychic and intuitive abilities are developing more and more every day. The Angels are here to encourage you to go with whatever you feel your soul has been trying to tell you. Rich intuitive and psychic knowledge is downloading into your core and the Angels are encouraging you to follow this guidance. As you take this step it may bring up some fears or concerns, but you are encouraged to trust in the Angels who are on this journey with you. When you take the first step, the next step will be presented to you. Trust your vibes!

Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

You Ain't Doing This Solo!

You Ain’t Doing This Solo!


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: You Ain't Doing This Solo!

Everything in the universe is energy, including you. For that reason, you don’t walk this path alone. You are connected to everyone and everything that is, was and ever will be. You are connected to the essence of life because it’s moving through every aspect of your being.

The moment you are born you are given the gift of free will. Although as a child you don’t fully understand it, you can still decide when you want food and even when you want support. Your free will really starts to unfold as you develop and it’s put into full use when you enter adult life. You get to decide what you want to do, who you want to do it with and when and where you do it. You are essentially in control.

The same goes for support. The universe has given us the chance to decide how we walk this path, and although it would love to help us, it can’t do so unless we choose to ask. Many people live their lives feeling unsupported and alone - they generally don’t realize that just a shift in perception can change that.

Independence is seen as strength on Earth. Being able to do your own thing and not ask for help seems to be positive. The downside is that many people feel it is ‘weak’ to ask for help. In spirituality we honour independence, but we also note that there is another option...


In order to raise your vibration and move beyond the limited thoughts that can make you feel isolated, you have to surrender the idea of being independent and move into the space of co-creating with the creator. (Your vision of the creator will be different from mine and it can be ‘God’ or it can just be ‘life’, but whatever works for you is right.)

Today, realize that you are walking this path with your creator, with the universe and with the energy you are co-creating. When you realize that you don’t have to do everything on your own, a huge weight is lifted from your shoulders. Essentially you are allowing the weight of your own world to be held by a power that is greater than you are.

There’s no right or wrong way to get this intention running for you. Maybe meditate on it, say it, pray it or dance it. If the intention is right, the vibe is right!

‘I accept that I am fully supported by the universe.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Spirit Animal

Spirit Animal


Animal consciousness surrounds you at this time and passes messages to you from your Guardian Angels. If you've felt inspired to help the animal kingdom in any way, perhaps by becoming vegetarian or adopting a pet, the Angels are encouraging you to follow this guidance. You not only have a Guardian Angel but also a spirit animal who is with you at this time. Say the prayer on this card, then close your eyes and ask the spirit animal to show itself to you. Trust the first feeling or vision you have of this animal and connect with them through your spiritual practice.

Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Enjoy Growth and Reap Rewards

Enjoy Growth and Reap Rewards


Fertility, growth and abundance are all imminent when the Lady arrives in your life. All the seeds you have planted are coming to life and there are plenty more rewards to come. In a material sense, this card can represent financial security and comfort - it shows that there will be more than enough to go round. If you are making business deals or setting intentions to create financial growth, this card indicates a considerable amount of monetary abundance - opportunities, marriage proposals and even the birth of a child. She will help you respect nature and connect with its forces in order to have a genuinely supported journey through life.

Deck: Angels and Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

The Divine Physician

The Divine Physician


Healing doesn't begin in the body, it begins in the mind and soul. It isn't your body that determines how you feel, but your mind that determines what state your body is in. Think healing positive thoughts at this time and be grateful for what's good about your body and your health. As you recognize the health benefits you already have, more will be brought to you. You may well find that the healing Angels are also here to help you heal others, but in order to do this you must ensure that you yourself are in good health. So, heal within, then share what you've learned with the world.

Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie

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