Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Cosmic Gateway

Cosmic Gateway


Your Message
You are connected to the universe and have the ability to manifest miraculous experiences. Your thoughts, words and actions are like magnets drawing the energy that creates and cultivates your world. You have a stellar gateway chakra above your head, a vortex of energy that is influenced by your own energy. You can place ideas into this vortex to create what you are seeking. The universe also offers you guidance, abundance, support and healing based on your capacity to connect to it and accept it. You have a real opportunity to further that connection now by sending prayers and intentions out into the cosmos.

Extended Message
Horus is the Egyptian eagle-headed god and son/ twin flame of the goddess Isis. He is known for his foresight, psychic awareness and ability to travel between the worlds. He can help us move into the cosmos with our mind, meditations and prayers so that we can harness the natural magic that surrounds us. He was known for ritual magic in the past, and now he helps create pockets of energy in the world where we can access light, wisdom and insight. If you are seeing the symbol of an eye appearing around you, know that Horus is asking you to become aware of how you are influencing the energy around you, and how it in turn is influencing you.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Don't Hate, Meditate!

Don’t Hate, Meditate!


Your Message
Anytime you feel overwhelmed by anger or frustration, close your eyes and connect with the Angels around you. They are a great part of your life and they want you to remove the feelings that aren’t serving you so that you can have a deeper and richer connection with them. Meditate and connect with Heaven to extend your awareness so you can become more aware of who surrounds you on an energetic level.

Extended Message
You’re really independent as a soul and it’s wonderful how self-sufficient you are, but the Angels are encouraging you to spend some time meditating and welcoming their help, and the help of God, so that you can be a co-creator of your world in their light and that of your Creator. Anytime you find yourself about to use the ‘hate’ word, close your eyes for a few moments and focus on something that makes you feel safe, free and blessed – something you love.

Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Do the Work!

Do the Work!


Your Message
If you are wondering whether to move forward or not, this card is a message from your angels to continue on. You might feel that your current situation requires more time and energy than you are able to give, and there’s a good chance that you are feeling disheartened, or even drained. It’s important to know that everything involved in this situation is pivotal to your growth, expansion, and spiritual connection. This card invites you to switch on the light you have within. It’s time to be a star, to rise up, to get behind the wheel and drive the journey of your life. Yes, energy is going to be needed to hustle and push, but every single effort you make will pay off. Right now you are sending out a signal, and that will create a wave that can lay the foundation for the rest of your life.

Extended Message
Being spiritual isn’t always easy. It comes with a price, and often that price is time and effort. That is why angels call it “light work,” because we have to work our light. This isn’t spiritual “easy,” this isn’t spiritual “vacation,” this is spiritual work, and that does mean we have to work. Action, effort, surrender, and trust are needed for things to come together, but when this card appears, you have an important opportunity to figure out the balance between effort and effortlessness, and understand when both of these energies need to move through your being. If you want to abandon a project or walk away from a situation, this card is letting you know that you are needed more than ever. This isn’t the time to run away, this is the time to turn up. When you show up, ready and willing to do the work, you will move up too.

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Feel Loved and Comforted

Feel Loved and Comforted


Your Message
Mother Earth is the female counterpart to Father Sky. It’s auspicious to receive this card, because in the eyes and heart of Mother Earth, you are her child, and she is highly protective of her baby and will give you everything you need to grow and expand. Mother Earth is only covered by leaves in this card, showing the vulnerability of the Earth. Everyday she experiences challenges that she has to adapt to and overcome. Her energy, represented by the symbol of the pagan Triple Goddess – Maiden, Mother and Crone – behind her, can help you adapt as the changes of life come your way.

Extended Message
You may have felt overwhelmed or out of control emotionally recently, but you are now moving back to your natural centre and that will bring you to a place of clarity and openness. If you have felt ungrounded, know that Mother Earth is here to root you and help you regain your sense of strength. You may not feel like a child, but in the eyes of the divine you are a child of light and it’s important you know that and feel loved. If you have had challenges with your mother or with being a mother yourself, know that the energies of mother healing are with you to help clear any ancestral blockages that are preventing you from making this sacred love connection. You are being guided to make choices that are based on love.

Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Phases and Cycles

Phases and Cycles


Your Message
Freya, which means ‘Lady’, is the Norse goddess of the moon and love. She is the twin flame of Odin and a warrior goddess who offers deep spiritual and physical protection to those who call on her. She will stand before you with her shield and spear, keeping you safe from harm. She works closely with moon energy and helps us recognize that our life is a cycle that is always changing. She herself is the maiden, the mother and the crone aspect of all women and guides them to see the wisdom these cycles bring. We all go through phases and cycles of growth, and Freya is the energy that supports this. She has a raven spirit totem, which is said to represent her capacity to travel between heaven and Earth.

Extended Message
A phase of your life may be coming to an end, but it’s important to acknowledge it’s not the end. When one door closes, another opens. You may have been desperate for change, but now that it’s here, you could feel vulnerable. Know that the mighty goddess Freya will guide you. Illusions are now being revealed so that you can leave behind anything that is false, step into your peaceful warrior-like energy and welcome the changes you deserve. Tie up all loose ends and take heart. This is an exciting time.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings


Your Message
As you count your blessings, you become a magnet to even more blessings! When you draw this card, the Angels are encouraging you to see blessings in your current situation. It is important you keep yourself focused and aligned with loving experiences in your life, as this will lead you safely to the next step.

Extended Message
Take some time to see the amazing things in your life. The Angels aren’t calling you ungrateful, but they want you to realize what you have in your life. It’s important to focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have, because it will help you stay present, focused and open to the abundance of support that is there for you right now. Start writing down your blessings and give thanks to your Creator for them.

Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Clear, Cancel and Release

Clear, Cancel and Release


Your Message
You are being guided to clear your life and energy of any negative or challenging people, situations, or events. It’s time to release any old ideas, negative thought patterns, or even sarcastic comments you may be using to put yourself down. Angel wisdom wants you to recognize and realize the power of your words, thoughts, and intentions. If you are saying something, even jokingly, about yourself that might have a negative effect on you or express something you wish wasn’t real, you are being encouraged to be more loving toward yourself. Angels are guiding you to clear, cancel, and release anything you no longer want or need in order to make more room for love, positivity, and peace.

Extended Message
Whenever you have a negative thought or say something you then wish you hadn’t, you have the capacity to remove that idea or energy from your own energy by saying the powerful affirmation: “Clear, cancel, release!” Angels are ready and willing to help you clear anything that could be standing between you and inner peace.

When you draw this card, you are also being encouraged to clear any clutter from your life. If there is dust building up or “stuff” accumulating in your home, office, car, or anywhere else you spend time, clear it now. When you clear physical space, you clear psychic space.

Making these simple changes will clear your energy and open you up to experiencing a sense of clarity and freedom.

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Raise Your Vibration

Raise Your Vibration


Your Message
It’s time to move up a level. It’s time to fly high. You may have experienced some setbacks or felt low recently, but that is behind you now and you have the opportunity to light up like never before. Everything in the entire universe is comprised of energy, and that energy vibrates, drawing toward it similar energy. So, raising your vibration means aligning yourself with situations, people, places, and choices that you know will lift you up, support you, and help you grow. When this card appears, you have overcome the darkness and are moving into a time of opportunity. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you can be reborn. Know that angels are acknowledging your commitment to growth. You are filled with inspiration now and attracting only the good.

Extended Message
There’s a sense of achievement around you at this time. You may be receiving documentation, certification, or a reward of some description to acknowledge your growth or experience. This is a time to cherish, a time to enjoy the rewards of your commitment to living with integrity and doing good. You have overcome many challenges and risen above adversity, judgment, and possibly even abuse. You are ascending spiritually and personally at this time, and the universe is supporting you. This is the pathway of light, the pathway of your soul’s evolution: ascension.

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram:

Behind the Scenes with Angel Guide Oracle Deck Artist Jennifer Hawkyard

From Jennifer’s Blog


Hi friends,

I thought I would share the behind the scenes of 'Raise Your Vibration' today.

Our intention for this card was to tune into the energy of Archangel Metatron, which I don't know about you, but I always thought was quite an intimidating prospect! I mean just the name alone commands respect, don't you think?

As I've mentioned before, each of these angels comes with a different feeling, some are totally easy going and the process just flows. Well with this one, although the process was straightforward, I remember feeling a distinct sense of a very particular nature. Sort of like someone sitting behind me saying, 'I'm not letting you go until this is perfect' It wasn't intimidating or pressurising, just simply precise and particular.

What do you get from this card?

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