Erica Naso

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Erica is a divine spirit with an endless connection to the elemental and angelic realms. When she doesn't have her nose in a book she is most likely on a nature adventure with her pockets filled with rocks and crystals.

From a young age she always had a strong clairvoyant ability and a fairy like imagination. Over the years she has channeled all her energy into creative endeavors, which has eventually lead her to her sister business of creating healing crystal jewelry.

Erica has always had an internal intuitive nudge to become a healer. This is what has lead her to working with angels and divine light healing. Her healing sessions include intuitive angel/oracle card readings, mediumship, crystal and energy healing. With a passionate heart and healing hands she helps others to unlock their own divine guidance, so they in turn can evoke healing into their lives.

Visit Erica’s website here:


Susan Herrington


Sandris Portner