Kate Armstrong

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Working as an Energy Balancing Practitioner, Kate is gifted at helping people embrace magnificent potential. She is a channel of light and teaches her clients to use the light to release what does not serve them. Kate’s tremendous capacity for love enables her to connect with people on a unique level, speaking truth with compassion.

An author, mother of three, master of energy balancing and meditation, Kate’s life has been devoted to learning and growing from every experience. She constantly pushes herself beyond her comfort zone, to shed whatever doesn’t serve her highest purpose.

Compassion is Kate’s super power, along with the ability to see everyone through the eyes of their angels. She is able to support our highest good and to lead her clients to communicate with and trust in the guidance of their angels.

Life is a series of events that asks us to choose between being a host to love or a hostage of fear. Kate helps people to peel back the layers of fear and live up to their potential to be a source of love in a fearful world.

Are you ready to Love more and fear less?

Check out Kate’s website: www.lovemorefearlessintuitive.com


Eva Teresa


Kerryn Slater