Margaret Cook

Margaret Cook

I have been reading angel and oracle cards for several years. My card readings are about connecting you to the loving support and guidance of your angels to help you gain more divine insight.

Andrea Diblik

Andrea Diblik

Hi there! I’m a yoga and meditation teacher and an oracle angel card reader that uses the pendulum as a complement for her readings. I love helping others bring balance to the mind, body, and soul.

Robbi Kearns

Robbi Kearns

By connecting with your Spirit Partners through Gratitude, we will work together to give you the tools to transform your life and build profound relationships with your Spirit Partners through readings, energy work and soul coaching.

Amy Riley

Amy Riley

I am here help you to embrace the sense of your personal Divine power through Angel Card Readings, Crystal Energy Sessions, Angel Guide Sessions, and Intuitive Sessions using symbols and color.

Kevin Cross

Kevin Cross

I'm a British Mystic living in America. My goal and intention is to assist others in letting their light shine bright, by using a combination of channeling and intuitive card readings.

John Mothershead

John Mothershead

As a Certified Usui Reiki Master & Crystal Reiki Teacher, Certified Angel Guide™, Certified Angel Oracle™, and Certified Archangel Art Reader, I provide a casual, compassionate, and judgment-free approach to my spiritual services.

Ana Weissler

Ana Weissler

I'm a certified Angel Guide, card reader and psychic medium. I am passionate about helping my clients navigate life's ups and downs by tapping into the divine. I believe in the power of free will and in our ability to manifest the outcome we desire - all we need is insight and the courage to act in our best interests.

Amanda Mckinlay

Amanda Mckinlay

Hi! I'm a well being & creativity coach whose practice & purpose emerged from my own health journey. My services spread from angels to art & pain management to helping people build THEIR well being toolbox.