Retreat and Recharge


Your Message
Take time to rest and recuperate in order to continue your growth. Benefit from the information that will come directly from your heart space.

Extended Message
You have been working hard and giving your all to your current situation and it may become draining and detrimental to your development unless you retreat and recharge your energies. So you are being guided to take a step back at this time. If you are working on bringing something together, your over-involvement could impede the process, so retreat and breathe. If you have something to say or do that could have a larger impact on your life, spend some time in deep thought – even contemplation – before moving forward. Often when we rush in, we don’t see how destructive our actions can be. So meditate and listen to your soul’s wisdom before proceeding further.

Deck: Angels and Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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