Solar Light Upgrade
Solar Light Upgrade
Your Message
The light of the Great Central Sun is shining on you, activating you to push onward and create. This is a perfect time to move forward with projects, goals, and intentions. Align your energy with whatever you are ready to create and experience. Focus on what you are ready to grow and where you are ready to expand. As you focus on your goals, you are giving them energetic encouragement to flourish and open, like the warm summer sun kissing the ground, encouraging the flowers to grow and bloom. That sunlight has arrived. It’s here in you now.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Higher Heart Activation
Higher Heart Activation
Your Message
You have experienced much fear, separation, and heartache in your lifetime. This has encouraged you to close off and shield yourself from possible hurt. For a long time, you’ve been trying to open yourself back up, but have been concerned about being far too vulnerable. This card shows you have realized that love isn’t something you have to work for or search for, but your divine inheritance. You have also recognized that this energy isn’t something that comes through relationships or external experiences, but is your natural state of being. The more you close off, the more you close off from your true self. The more you drop your shields, the more love is revealed. The more you express the love you are, the more it is reflected back to you. Love is your truth.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Seraphim's Gateway
Seraphim’s Gateway
Your Message
You are blessed to receive the light of the Seraphim. Know that these beings of infinite light are singing your name in the heavens to unlock the power of your own voice. Angelic support surrounds you at this time. Know that you are safe, for you are being held by the presence of love. The Seraphim are witnessing the glory of your being and activating your angelic qualities. You care deeply about the welfare of the planet and all her beings. In fact, you are hoping to make a great difference in the world, and the reason for this is you are carrying angelic light. Let it shine on the world around you.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Mer-Ka-Ba Activation
Mer-Ka-Ba Activation
Your Message
You are raising your vibration and becoming magnetic to the presence and wisdom of light - you are in a space of ascension. The ascension process isn’t about leaving this incarnation or dimension, but about finding harmony within it. All of the attention, love, and care you have been giving to your body are supporting your spiritual journey. A powerful gateway of light is surrounding you now, allowing you to connect with the divine matrix of ancient wisdom. It’s important for you to be aware of the information, energy, and downloads you are receiving, for all that’s coming through is supporting your expansion. You are moving up a level. It’s time to fly high.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Karmic Board Clearing
Karmic Board Clearing
Your Message
If you are being overwhelmed by a traumatic memory or a painful event, know it’s because this old energy is no longer serving you and that your spirit is calling for it to be released. This card comes to you at a time when you are ready to surrender old ways of being and old stories. Know that receiving this message means your energetic self has been taken to the Karmic Board during sleep or meditation, so that your light body can be cleared of all karmic blockages and stories. All fears, phobias, challenges with partners and relationships, and feelings of being misunderstood are being released now. You are ready to move forward.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Third-Eye Activation
Third-Eye Activation
Your Message
This gateway encourages you to unlock your psychic abilities and to stop questioning your divine ability to see. Know that great potential and healing will be unleashed when this space is activated. If you have an intuition about something, trust what you are seeing. This is a sacred time, for the psychic potential that you have had since childhood is awakening from slumber. You’ve always been a dreamer, sometimes thinking about how the future will show up or revisiting the past. Now the gifts that have been discouraged in the past are reawakening and your inner vision is stronger than you imagine. You have an innate ability to see further than human eyes and are able to identify the energies of what is going on around you with your activated third eye. This gateway is here as a confirmation that what you are seeing and experiencing is in divine alignment and that you are being supported as you develop this Source‑given gift.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Akashic Stargate
Akashic Stargate
Your Message
Whenever the Akashic Stargate is presented to you, it’s because you’re at a critical point on your journey. You have the opportunity to move in a particular direction and you have to make a decision. This can feel overwhelming and you may be waiting for someone or something to make the decision for you. But you aren’t here to walk a path that was set for you, you’re here to walk a path that you have chosen. The next phase of your journey cannot unfold until you decide which way to go. Know that whatever direction you take and whatever decision you make, you’ll always be on the right path. No matter how you get there, you’ll always end up in a similar space. Also know that purpose isn’t about doing your duty, it’s about living life and experiencing joy.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Orion Activation
Orion Activation
Your Message
All of your fears and setbacks are being stripped from your energy now. It is essential for your old way of being to fall away and for you to go through a process of renewal in order to move forward. The old stories of your life aren’t yours to live out or live up to - you are far greater than these limiting experiences. The beings of Orion are surrounding you now and they see you as one of them - someone who has been born with the knowledge that they can live with great purpose and make a real difference to the world, whether on a global scale or in a particular corner of the planet. When you draw this card, you are being reminded that you have infinite star potential.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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