Activation Message Monday Kat Koch Activation Message Monday Kat Koch

Crystal Skull Wisdom

Crystal Skull Wisdom


Your Message

All aspects of your life are becoming clearer at this time. Expect to become aware of what you need to step away from to have a more focused path. You may have felt indecisive, but now you are downloading direct guidance from the heart of Source so that you can live and express yourself in a more authentic way. Know that downloads often appear as your own inner guidance encouraging you to move forward. The key is to recognize the calmness they bring. This is a time of clarity and connection. Crystal skull downloads are here to bring clarification to what you have been receiving within. In order for the next phase of your journey to unfold, you must follow the information you have received. You know what you need to do to heal and grow. If you’ve been asking for a sign that the healing work you have been doing has been successful, trust that this card is the message you have been waiting for.

Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram:

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Activation Message Monday Kat Koch Activation Message Monday Kat Koch

I am Presence

I am Presence


Your Message

You are experiencing a great shift, which is helping you understand yourself in ways that were previously impossible. You are connecting with the highest form of intelligence within you, the body of light within you is growing brighter, and you are becoming aware of how your actions and choices affect the unfolding of your future. The bright light you are is expressing itself unapologetically.

Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard

Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram:

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