High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Embody your Body

Embody your Body


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Embody your Body

Have you noticed that it has become popular and even on trend to be busy? We go around with full schedules and have grown used to being on the go.

There’s nothing wrong with being busy, but sometimes when we get pulled into the vortex of activity we forget about our own needs and can miss a lot of the messages our body and soul are sending us.

Have you allowed yourself to become addicted to being busy? Do you feel lost when your schedule for the day is empty? If the answer is ‘yes’, it’s time to change that. 

Have you ever noticed that if you’ve had a really busy few months, when you finally take a holiday or even a day off, you get sick? That’s your body making sure that you finally stop and just take some time to be with yourself.

When you come back to your body, you come back to the clearest guidance system you have. When you give yourself the amazing gift of more time to really listen, you’ll hear what the body wants you to know. If you take the time to check in with your body on a regular basis, you won’t have to face a more intense signal from it when it needs your attention.

Today you are encouraged to come back into your body. Take some time to give thanks for this amazing vehicle and the messages it sends you. Your body wants nothing more than to be happy and healthy, and if you really, really listen to it, it will tell you what it needs in order to be well.

You can even ask your body if it would like certain types of food or drink. All you have to do is close your eyes, come back to your breath, think of the particular food or drink and ask, ‘Is this what you would like today?’ or ‘Will this agree with you today?’ You will instinctively get a clear feeling of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 

When you become more aware of the natural rhythms and message of your body, you will become spiritually ‘embodied’, and this deeper state of awareness will allow you to raise your vibration. 

Your body is the home of your soul. Listen to it and learn how it can support you on your spiritual pathway.

Vibe of the Day

+Closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths, just become aware of your body and the natural flow of your breath.

+Instinctively place your hands on a part of your body that you feel needs your attention or some more energy.

+Breathe deeply into your hands and allow your breath to carry extra life-force energy to this area of your body.

+Listen to anything you feel your body wants you to know. Become aware of the natural signs, signals and messages it sends you.

+When you’re ready, set your intention with the words in the photo above.


‘My body always tells me what I need.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Sacred Senses

Sacred Senses


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Sacred Senses

The sacral chakra is the sacred space that is related to our reproductive organs and for that reason it represents our ability to create. We can create life from this centre. What else can we create?

In order to raise your vibration today, you are encouraged to look at your reproductive organs (yes, your genitals) in a loving way. A great deal of shame is held within the genitals and that needs to change. Somewhere along the line we’ve lost our sense of loving and belonging to our genitalia and right now is the time to find it again. These amazing body parts allow us to bring life into this world and to make love to our partner in life. They are sacred, divine and, as fas as the universe is concerned, they are the space in which we create.

Today you are encouraged to send love from your heart to your genitals. Thank them silently for playing their divine part in your life.

When you acknowledge this sacred centre of creation as beautiful you come into special alignment with your inner creativity - and this is the part of you that manifests positivity in your life!

Vibe of the Day

+With your eyes open or closed, imagine an amazing light streaming from your heart centre to your genitals. Imagine them being washed in a golden light of unconditional love.

+Then give thanks for being the special instruments they are. Say the words from the photo.


‘I welcome freedom through the honouring of my sacred self.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Turn your frown upside down

Turn your frown upside down


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Turn Your Frown Upside Down

Everything you do in this world moves out from you like a wave of energy. When you are kind, happy and harmonious, this wave extends to all those who cross your pathway. And the kindness you share is eventually going to come back to you.

People always say, ‘What comes around, goes around!’ and I know they like to drop the word ‘karma’ online, especially if someone has been challenged in their life, but that’s not the point. Karma, the law of cause and effect, is ultimately a spiritual tool to encourage us to be kind and loving.

When you are kind to others, you are literally being kind to yourself too. When you focus on what makes you happy it’s as if the doors of your heart swing open and you move into the space of love that rests gently within. When you experience this love, you welcome all those around you into this space too. So, every time you experience bliss and joy you are literally holding space for others to experience it too Your happiness is a wave of healing to the whole world.

Today you are encouraged to recognize all the simple things that make you feel happy. When you are happy, you raise your vibration to the divine and you allow others to raise their vibration too. Happiness is infectious. Think of it - when someone starts to smile, you can’t take that smile off your face wither, can you?

Today’s exercise is smiling as much as you can. Offer the gift of joy to all those you meet. Everywhere you go, look for the simple blessings that surround us all.

Today, recognize that happiness is a gift and it’s yours anytime you allow it to be.


‘My happiness sends healing to the world.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Rock Your Root Chakra!

Rock Your Root Chakra!


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Rock Your Root Chakra!

Your root chakra, Muladhara, is one of the seven major spiritual centres in your body. It’s at the base of your spine and represents your stability, security, connection to the Earth and your loved ones, and your ability to stand strong in life. It’s known to be red - the foundational colour of focus and strength.

Our chakras are our spiritual anatomy: they govern our acceleration to the divine. When they are balanced, we experience a deeper connection to ourselves and to our inner guidance. When the root chakra is over-energized, we can become over-attached to the physical world and everything in it and overly rely on having certain comforts, people or things around us. Although it’s cool to have things that make us feel comfortable, when we get over-attached to things, or people, we lose our inner power.

The root chakra can also become depleted. This can happen very easily, especially if too many people rely on us or there is pressure in our life, and it can make us feel that there’s lack in our life, that there’s not enough for everyone and even that we aren’t safe. On a physical level, if our root chakra is depleted we can have major lower-back issues and our finances can crumble before our eyes.

It’s always good to keep track of your root chakra and up its energy when needed. Try the following visualization:

+Place your hands, right on top of left, flat on the space just below your pubic bone. Breathe into them.

+Imagine that there is a nicely sized cone of red light coming from your tailbone and swirling underneath your hands. Then say the words from the photo.

+Breathe/meditate for as long as you need.


‘I am rooted to my inner strength.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Keep Calm and Co-Operate

Keep Calm and Co-Operate


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Keep Calm and Co-Operate

Sometimes it can be very easy to be pulled into the mindset that life is working against you, but it’s not! The universe is always working in accordance with your free will. It wants you to be happy, abundant and fulfilled. It loves you more than words can describe. Let it support you.

Today you are invited to co-operate with the universe by keeping calm. If something has gone ‘wrong’, know that the universe has a greater plan. Instead of having a meltdown or freaking out, keep calm. Remember the field of energy that surrounds you and moves through you responds to every thought, feeling and intention you have. If you feel that it’s not working with you and that there’s some sort of karma trail following you, well, that’s what you’ll experience.

So, today, choose to know that you are being supported, held and led by the presence of light that exists within you. Take several deep breaths and trust that the universe will co-operate with you when you co-operate with it. You are a team. Know it is your biggest fan, your greatest supporter and the cheerleader of your soul.


‘The universe is my soul’s greatest cheerleader.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

It's cool to be kind, baby!

It’s cool to be kind, baby!


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: It’s cool to be kind, baby!

The spiritual law of attraction is simple. It teaches that whatever we believe to be true is what we’re going to experience in the world. It’s really important to bring this ancient and sacred teaching into your awareness so that you can cultivate a mindset that is working for you, not against you.

Your inner dialogue has a lot to do with your beliefs and how you experience the world. Are the conversations in your mind mostly loving? Or are there loads of fears floating around?

It’s okay to have fears floating around, but it’s also important to know that your natural state - the greatest part of you - is love.

In honouring the natural loving state that is somewhere within you today, you are encouraged to have kind conversations with yourself. How you see and speak to yourself in the mirror has a lot to do with the beliefs that you have. So today, go to your mirror and find out what starts to happen there. Do you start criticizing what you see and who are you? How can you change your inner conversation to be more loving? How can you be kinder to yourself?

As you already know, your body is the home of your soul. It’s the temple that is holding your divine light, so why not honour that and speak to yourself in a kind way?

If you begin to chat lovingly to yourself but find that your ego self (that inner critic) puts up a fight, be kind to them too. Say, ‘Thanks for sharing, but today I choose kindness.’

When you are kind to yourself, it allows your energy to be open to kindness on all levels. You give those you love an easier time and they give you an easier time too. Your kindness to yourself is a prayer of kindness to the world. And you’’re setting an example for those around you and the generations that will follow.


‘My kindness is a prayer to and demonstration of the natural goodness that is within us all.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Abundance is a State of Mind

Abundance is a State of Mind


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Abundance is a State of Mind

Today you are encouraged to see the riches in your life - and not just the material ones. We have a tendency to measure how rich we are by the things we have and the certificates on our wall. When we do this, though, we are measuring our own worth and there’s a danger that we will never feel good enough.

The universe doesn’t measure us at all. As far as it’s concerned, we are all perfect because within us there’s a perfect spark of splendour - an extension of divine love itself.

You may not feel perfect, or rich, but you are richer than you think. What blessings do you have? What gifts do you have?

Everything you ‘have’ on this Earth is just an external representation of how rich you feel within. You can never be rich if you feel poor, so it’s time to feel rich again.

Abundance is a state of mind. Today give thanks for the people, places, blessings and gifts in your life and let your soul feel rich.


‘My world is a reflection of my inner riches and it is full of abundance.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Thank Your Earthly Mama!

Thank Your Earthly Mama!


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Thank Your Earthly Mama!

I had a bumper sticker on my first car. It read ‘The Earth is our mother, treat her with respect.’

We are so blessed to be on this Earth and to be experiencing this life. The Earth is a wonderful place to be. What’s going wrong on this planet hasn’t anything to do with Mother Nature - it has everything to do with us. Every day when I get onto my yoga mat I like to give thanks to the Earth and tune in to her rhythm.
When we begin to raise our vibration, we also help to raise the frequency of the planet. The more spiritually aware we become, the more conscious of the Earth we become and the more we look after the planet.
If we are littering the street or avoiding doing the recycling then we aren’t exactly coming from a place that’s heart-centered. If we are helping nature, looking after her, giving thanks for her and doing our best to keep our part of the world clean then we are also keeping it spiritually clean, and that means we can hold more space for light there.
While you are on this journey, ask yourself what you can do to help Mother Earth. Can you feed her birds? Clean the local park, beach or forest? Can you use less plastic or contribute more to your recycling? All of these steps help you become more aware of the world that surrounds you and help you clean up your inner world too.
Vibe of the Day
Today, give thanks to Mother Earth. How can you do it? I’m going to introduce you to the yoga pose I do while giving thanks. It’s suitable for all levels of fitness and I really believe it helps me become one with the great mother. It’s called Balasana or Child’s Pose (extended version). You can do it at home or even somewhere in nature that you love.
*Come onto your knees and spread them about hip-width apart (or as wide as your yoga mat if you have one), while keeping your big toes touching.
*Then lean forward and bring your forehead and hands to the ground in front of you.
*Allow your fingers to spread wide as your palms press down into the Earth.
*With every out-breath, allow your hips to sink deep down towards your heels, giving your spine a beautiful stretch.


‘Today I choose to honour the Earth because she is our mother!'

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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