Spiritual Protection 101
I first learned about spiritual protection when I started studying spirituality. I learned that before conducting any spiritual work I would need to invoke an energy of protection to keep me safe and guarded...
I first learned about psychic protection when I started studying spirituality. I learned that before conducting any spiritual work I would need to invoke an energy of protection to keep me safe and guarded, especially if I was working with others through any challenges. But truth be told, I also brought this psychic protection to my daily life – especially If I felt a conversation was draining (usually I would remember at the last minute and I’d end up drained anyway).
I was often putting on psychic protection (by visualising myself in a bubble of light) and still ending up drained. It puzzled me. It made me upset, frustrated and annoyed. I decided to drop into meditation and ask spirit for the answer.
I was told loud and clear that most of the time I (and many others) ask for or invoke psychic protection far too late and usually cling wrap the lower energy in. So imagine this to help you...You’ve met a long-time colleague for lunch and during the meal they spill the beans on how challenging their life is at this time. During the conversation you find yourself getting tired, drained and overwhelmed by the ‘negative’ energy. The energy is attaching itself to you and then, when you invoke an energy of protection, you’re protecting you and the energy connected to you (i.e the wonky vibes) and essentially locking it in like you’ve cling wrapped it to you.
Here’s my 3 step process to psychic protection and creating an armour of light that ACTUALLY works. I created this process based on a daily skin routine. The cleanser gets rid of all the muck and grime, the toner firms up the skin, and the moisturiser locks in all of the goodness. You can do exactly the same with your energy.
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1. Cleanse
In order to safely protect your energy – you need to cleanse it completely of any left-over energy that is not serving you. You can remove anything that’s hooked on or attached to you from a challenging conversation, place or person.
How to cleanse:
i) Visualisation: You can imagine sacred fire energy burning away any energy that’s attached to you against your will. Imagine that the fire, coming from mother earth, is burning from your energy anything that is not yours. As the fire touches the fear based energy it will transmute and transform it from fear to love.
ii) Angels & St. Michael: You can ask Archangel Michael and/or the Angels to cut the cords of energy that hold you back or are attached to your energy field in prayer:
“Thank you Angels & Archangel Michael, for cutting the cords that bind me to people, places, energy, situations and any other stuff I no longer need. It feels so good to know you are here. I am safe and free!”
2. Tone
Toning is all about firming up the goodness that is already there. When it comes to toning your energy it’s about focusing on an aspect of your present positivity or harnessing a blessing or choosing to remember your current state of goodness. This ignites the warrior energy within.
How to tone:
Claim your wholeness by declaring that you are completely in control of your body because it’s the vehicle of your soul. You can say this in your own words but make sure you are speaking in present tense and REALLY putting your foot down. Let the Universe and your guides bear witness to the incredible inner-strength that you were born with.
My favourite declaration is powerful, effective and simple:
When I say “love is here” I tap my heart three times so I can feel a physical response to what I really know and trust deep within.
3. Moisturise
When you are moisturising your energy – you are essentially putting on that safeguard coating that you know is going to lock in the goodness. This is the step that everyone knows from various books and healing modality trainings, but this step will not be as effective unless the previous steps have been taken.
TOP TIP: When doing any light armour work – make sure that the protective light you create goes wider than just your body. I recommend it going 10-20 feet in each direction – really bring that into your vision and intention.
How to Moisturise:
i) Declaration: You can declare that there is an armour of the holiest light surrounding your whole entire body and being extending in 20 feet in each direction. (I think when I say this I say 14 feet – I have no idea why but it rolls off my tongue)
ii) Visualisation: Imagine a cloak of light swirling all over your whole body (colour of your choice) or imagine yourself in incredible armour from head to toe.
iii) Ask your guides: Call on your guides and thank them for protecting you and the energy that surrounds you 20 feet in each direction.
And that’s the best way to keep your energy strong and clear.
WARRIOR TIP: I often still forget to do this process and find myself in situations that feel draining. What I do is politely say, “Can you please excuse me for a moment, I really need to go to the bathroom” and off to the bathroom I go. Locking myself in the stall I’ll then do my 3 step Protection Process and go back feeling safe and energised.
Give this routine a try and then let us know how it goes in the comments below!
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My Morning Practice And Starting My Day
So many of you have asked how I start my day. In this video I go through the daily practices that help me align my day with the angels, miracles and love
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Grow within Your current Situation
Angel Message Monday
The wisdom of the Wise One is based on something that the younger generation is often lacking: commitment and reliability. When this card appears, you are being guided to continue working on your growth and expansion within your current situation. Be committed to your tasks and projects. It can be very easy to get bored or overwhelmed, but persevere. You are being reminded of how it feels to be let down and experience unreliability - and that is not who you were born to be. So keep working on what you're working on, because it's going to be extremely beneficial for you in the long run.
Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram:
Be Graceful in Movement & Action
Angel Message Monday
You are being guided to flow like water, blow like air and connect with your purest intentions. Don't feel you need to rush ahead. A gentle approach will be more fruitful and rewarding. Move with subtlety and grace. Reach high, but also ask yourself how you can move with the flow of life rather than pushing against it. Do you have the capacity to refocus your gaze at this time? Can you slow down? Or take more time to soften and breathe as you move forward? All of this will be incredibly beneficial for what happens next.
Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram:
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Voice of Truth
Angel Message Monday
Your Angel Message
You are being encouraged to stand strong. You may feel unrecognized and misunderstood, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on the mission you feel called to fulfil. You must follow the will of your soul and exercise your leadership spirit by speaking your truth. You may feel as if you are on a battlefield, but this conflict will come to an end as soon as you stop defending yourself. You are not here to prove yourself to others. Instead, approve of yourself. Know that your angels are on your side and that heaven is thanking you for being the honest soul you are.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram:
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Do what you Feel is Right
Angel Message Monday
Right now a call for justice is being brought into your space. Even if this means you will 'lose out', there really is no loss in the highest state of truth. Act from the heart, see the other person's point of view and surrender your pride so that you are coming from a loving space. If you've made choices that weren't for the highest good, admit it. Through this honesty you are releasing and karmic bonds or anchors of fear from your energy. Take the time to learn from this situation. And if you are involved in any legal issues, know that Lady Portia and the angels of justice are gathering round to honour everyone involved.
Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram: @kylegrayuk
Deep Connection, Trust your Inner Voice
Angel Message Monday
You are moving beyond the illusions that fear has created so that you can be more focused on your priorities and what is serving you on this path. All suffering eventually comes to an end, and acknowledging how you really feel and what occurred in order for you in order to feel this way will help you move beyond it. Call on Master Buddha now to help you remember you are part of something that is greater than suffering. The Wheel of Karma is turning in your favour and all your acts of kindness and goodness will benefit you. Thoughts may arise now that solve issues in your life, home, relationships or work. They are being sent to you from your inner teacher, the Buddha within.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram: @kylegrayuk
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Heart Awakening
Angel Message Monday
The cave of your heart is opening wide for you to experience divine love. You have an opportunity to overcome past pain, heartbreak, and let downs. This is a wonderful time to cherish and love yourself and then allow yourself to be cherished and loved by others. If you feel love revealing itself clearly in your heart, have courage and move into a state of trust. You are reminded that when true love is present - when divine love is present - there are no obstacles to overcome: it will be there, clear, pure, and real for you to experience. Your relationships are being brought into harmony on all levels of your life. Give and receive divine love with yourself and all those around you.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram: @kylegrayuk
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