Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Set Your Sights Higher


You are on the verge of a miracle. All of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp and you are being guided to focus on your vision. The angels who are with you are encouraging you. There is nothing that you cannot have or achieve. There’s an opportunity at this time to heal an old wound or pattern of lack and not feeling good enough. In the past you’ve often found it impossible to recognize your worth and to believe that you are deserving of blessings. Angel and ancestor wisdom is reminding you that you are an incredible and infinite spark of the universe, and the universe is not only within you, it absolutely adores you. You are talented, filled with strength and have the abilities you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality.

Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Be the Light

Be the Light


No matter what is happening to you or around you, you have a choice. Choose not to be pulled into dramas, bickering or energies that are just going to limit your joy. If you are surrounded by people who are hostile towards you or someone else, or you are in a negative situation, perhaps in your workplace, you are being invited to be the light. You are an incredible person who can really bring light. So how can you change the energy? How can you redirect the conversation to love? How can you protect yourself? How can you help the person that is being picked on? Or are you the one who is guilty of causing a drama? You will know the answers. Know also that you are being encourage to shine the light you were born to share.

Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Exchange Energy

Exchange Energy


The Universe operates under the law of cause and effect and is always looking to return to a natural state of balance. So, if you are lacking in the feelings of abundance at this time, you are being invited to share your time, your gifts and your understanding with others. If you're frustrated because something isn't unfolding in your life, instead of asking yourself what you can get, ask yourself what you can give. The exchange of energy doesn't necessarily mean financial energy - it can also be about supporting in order to be supported. If you're been holding back with your offerings, now is the time to change that. Allow yourself to be open, honest and vulnerable. This can prepare you to open up to even greater opportunities in the coming days, weeks and months.

Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Expect Miracles

Expect Miracles


Expect the unexpected. Expect miracles. A real turn-around is possible now. Angels are dancing around you. Leave behind thoughts, memories and feelings that are no longer serving you and remember the love that you are. Move into your heart and allow that love to shine out into the world. Then miracles can happen.

Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Inner Strength

Inner Strength


Your spiritual fire is growing within. Recognize that the power of your soul is greater than you think. You have come a long way since you began this journey. There is a powerful force within you and you have the ability to create wonderful changes in your own life and inspire those around you to do the same. Be aware of new projects, opportunities and fertile ideas that can grow into something larger than you may imagine. Call on the fiery goddess Brigid to light the way ahead.

Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch




There is a deep build-up of life-force within you now and a need to channel it into action. You may have extra energy or be more alert than usual, or be aware of a sense of increased sensual or sexual energy. If you have been unsure how this ties into your spiritual path, know that it can allow you to access the richness of your soul. When we are not expressing ourselves sexually, our spiritual potential can become tamed or muted, so if you are denying yourself a desire, ask yourself how you can fulfil it. Ask Cernunnos to help you access your sexual self so that you can express it with integrity, and in a way that honours your soul. If you and your partner are trying for a child and this card appears, fertility is very possible, especially if Brigid, Cernunnos’s twin flame, is present too.

Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Earth Connection

Earth Connection


You are blessed to receive this Great Mother card today because it shows that the Earth itself, through the image of Gaia, is protecting your path. You are a strong, focused and loving individual. Stay grounded and don’t allow your imagination, ego or fears to run away with you. Ensure your choices are for the highest good. Gaia is also bringing her motherly love to you and encircling you in a cocoon of peace. If you have had troubles with a mother in your life, or are feeling disconnected from or grieving your own mother, Gaia helps revitalize that connection and will bring healing where it is possible. If you are a mother and are worrying about these duties, know that Gaia is thanking you for your hard work and commitment. The Earth is blessed to have you.

Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Take Note of Intuitive Messages

Angel Message Monday


Lunar energies are surrounding your life, allowing you to understand what is standing in your way. Not everything is as it seems and you're being guided to use your discernment. When the Moon appears, intuitive or psychic urges are increased, so take note of any feelings arising at this time. They are messages from your soul and angels. The Moon shines her light on all that has been kept in the dark, so ask yourself if you are avoiding anything or refusing to deal with something of importance. If so, it could be holding you in the shadows when your destiny is to be in the light. If this card appears when you feel someone isn't being completely real with you, know that their intentions will be revealed to you. The Moon has no secrets - she reveals all.

Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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