Move in a New Direction
Move in a New Direction
The road you are on may be the road less traveled, but this journey is going to be highly beneficial for your emotional and spiritual growth. If it isn't about covering outer distance, it's about covering distance within, and you will be evolving every single moment of it. Remember to keep things simple and to lighten your load, because that will make your journey more enjoyable. You are also being encouraged to see how far you've come and how you've really grown as a person, because this recognition will support you in going even further. And there's a good chance that along the way you'll make new friends who will become companions for a lifetime.
Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
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Have a date with your desires
Have a date with your desires
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Have a date with your desires
Desire is a powerful word. It’s an intense, fluid and exciting word. It’s not just a word - it’s a feeling, a sense of longing for something, someone, even a fantasy. In the past we have all dropped our desires and left them by the wayside, but today that changes.
The most important thing for you to know right now is that you are allowed to have desires, you are allowed to have cravings and you are allowed to experience those desires and cravings.
We all want to get somewhere in life, to reach our goals. It’s okay to want things and it’s okay to strive for something - especially if you’re on the highest road possible.
When you have a desire for something, it’s best to check it’s a healthy desire, though. So, first of all, ask yourself why you want it. If it’s because it’s going to make you happy or a better person, that’s cool! The truth is that no thing or situation can make you any more divine than you already are, but you’re allowed to enjoy this world and the things that are in it. Just breathe with that for a moment - you’re allowed to have desires!
Most people don’t allow themselves to have desires because they feel they’re being selfish. It’s almost as though at some deep level they believe that if they have something, particularly something luxurious or expensive, they’re depriving someone else of it. But in receiving something, we’re actually bringing balance to the world.
Many of us feel that we’re constantly giving in life. We can feel that we’re giving so much of ourselves that there’s nothing else to give. When we’re receiving, the first thing that’s happening is that we’re redressing the balance. The second thing is that we’re teaching those around us that they too can receive.
The universe is happy to share its energy with us. And that energy never ceases to be, never runs out and can never die. There is more than enough energy in the universe for everyone and that energy is the creator of all things. Today, realize that there is no lack in the heart of the creator and there is no need to have lack in your life.
When you decide to honour your desires, you give yourself permission to dance with the universe and receive support for your growth and happiness.
You are encouraged to have a date with your desires today.
-What is it you want in life?
-How will it make you feel when those desires are met?
-What can you do to create that feeling now?
-How can you express that emotion?
-Do it!
‘Today I have a date with my desires and it feels so good!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Signs from Heaven
Signs from Heaven
Angels and loved ones rejoice in reminding you of their presence, but they don't want you to rely on their signs to prove they exist. So, signs will come to you when you wholeheartedly trust, believe and know in your heart, soul and mind that your loved ones and Angels are there. Of course, they will send you signs to try and reconnect your faith and belief, but try not to rely on the signs to prove anything. Instead, take them as gentle reminders that you aren't alone and all is well.
Deck: Angel Prayers
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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Accept that you are Awesome
Accept that you are Awesome
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Accept that you are Awesome
In order to live a fuller life and feel comfortable with who you are, you need to accept your awesomeness. The fact that you are here on Earth in the first place is amazing, but really you need to consider the idea that you are a walking, talking miracle.
You are a soul in a body, and because of that, infinite potential moves through you. You are a limitless being, but you are in a world which creates limits. How can you deal with that?
Know that when you feel you are up against limits and are frustrated or annoyed with someone (or yourself), you are doing yourself no favours. When you have regrets and live a life filled with shoulda, woulda, coulda, you are limiting your whole earthly experience. When you constantly think about your past, you just end up recreating your own history instead of moving forwards. Every time you experience the feeling of being held back by the world, you must remember that you are a being of brilliant potential.
Your true self has no cruelty within it. Your true self is always healed and complete. It’s only the ego, the limiting thinking mind, that wants you to limit yourself through self-sabotage and causing harm to others.
Acceptance is the spiritual art of acknowledging your true self. It’s the moment when you decide to let go of fear and allow love to be your guide. When you accept yourself, blame, judgement and anger aren’t important any more. When you accept everyone and everything exactly as they are, you feel uplifted, empowered and whole.
When you accept that you are a mighty incredible, supremely spiritual being, you embrace the truth of who you are. And you are awesome!
Ask yourself the following questions. Between each one, close your eyes and breathe. Really feel your soul’s response to what you are asking.
How good would it feel to be accepted?
What can I do to accept myself more?
How can I embrace my past so I can experience my present?
Now set your intentions using the words in the photo!
‘I accept the wholeness of my soul.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Light Activation
Light Activation
You are here to light up the world. You may feel that you are being pushed or that there is a lot going on at once, and this is because your energy is magnetic to others and they want it in their life. Take the time to listen to your inner voice. Remember the cosmic light of heaven and draw it into you. That is all you need to do to inspire the world.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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You can never fail, you can only feel!
You can never fail
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: You can never fail, you can only feel!
The word ‘failure’ is something we never like to hear. It’s something we fear and want to avoid. But ‘failure’ is an illusion that the external world has created for us - and we decide whether we fall into that nightmare or not.
According to spiritual law, we can never really fail. Our energy is unlimited because the universe is unlimited and we are the universe.
Today you are going to tackle the old idea of failure so that you can surmount it once and for all.
In order to move beyond a limiting belief like failure, you have to understand how it’s created in the first place. The truth is that failure is just one person’s opinion with regard to the outcome of a situation. When we say something is ‘a failure’ or ‘we’ve failed’, we’re basically saying that something didn’t turn out according to plan or the way we hoped.
What if I were to suggest to you that ‘failure’ was just the universe having a different plan? What if, when something goes ‘wrong’, there’s a bigger picture there? What if there’s a better opportunity coming in your direction and if things had gone according to plan you would have missed it?
Today you are encouraged to surrender your expectations. It’s time to realize you can’t actually let down the universe because the universe has no expectations of you in the first place. You are encouraged to realize that failure is just a feeling and that feeling is simply the acknowledgement that things didn’t go the way you wanted. It doesn’t mean things aren’t going to be good.
Failure can only exist for people who want control. So, to overcome the idea of failure, you are encouraged to surrender the idea of control.
It’s time to realize that whatever you focus on, whether good or bad, you are sending energy to it. When you fear failure, you are setting yourself up for it. When you fear failure, you are setting yourself up for it. When you’re surrendering to the universe, to that ultimate force of goodness, you’re setting yourself up to experience goodness.
It’s time to come into the awareness that when your plans go wrong, the universe has a greater plan. That’s all. It wants you to know that no external achievement will ever determine how amazing you are and it wants you to trust that it’s always working for your greatest good.
You are reminded that you can never stray from your path to growth. You can never fail at being who you are. Every experience in your life is a perfect opportunity to know yourself at a deeper level.
‘No experience or achievement can determine my worth because love cannot be measured.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Keep your relationships real
Keep your relationships real
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Keep your relationships real
When you start to raise your vibration, you have a greater idea of who you are, what you have to offer and what you’d like to experience on your path. This brings so much clarity to the relationships you have in your life.
The deeper your spiritual exploration, the deeper your need will be for honest relationships. It’s important to know that in a spiritual sense, no relationship in your life is wrong. Every person you meet on your pathway offers you the perfect opportunity to connect to the divine.
If there are people in your life you aren’t fully resonating with, though, that’s okay. Don’t feel guilty for not being on the same page as them. In spiritual circles, when two people don’t get on, one person always says something like ‘And you’re supposed to be so spiritual!’ It’s important to know that not seeing eye to eye with someone doesn’t make you (or them) any more or less spiritual.
When you realize a relationship in your life isn’t congruent with the rest of your path and you don’t want to be associated with that person any more, you are listening to your soul. When you decide to let go of that relationship, you are honouring divine guidance.
Instead of feeling used or abused, just be honest with yourself and the person involved. When you offer someone the gift of honesty, you take the weight of the world off your own shoulders and you offer the other person the gift of freedom.
If there’s a relationship that you are ready to let go, work on the most compassionate and appreciative way of doing that. Send the person love and gratitude for the relationship to this point. Then imagine you are cutting all of the fearful and limiting cords that are holding you both back.
In order to be more in your flow and to experience uplifting and fulfilling relationships, first of all be honest with yourself. What are you looking for? Then, if you are ready to find your tribe or form a friendship with someone who is coming from the same space you’re in, think about how you can make room for it in your life. If you love a particular hobby and would like a friend to join you in it, can you join a group of enthusiasts and be open to speaking to new people? Can you send your thoughts out to the universe? Imagine yourself surrounded by people who are like-minded and friendly - just like you.
Give thanks for the relationships you love. Tell the people involved what you love about them, ask how you can support them and be real in your gratitude for the positive and honest connection you have.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to honour the honesty of your relationships by being grateful for the people in your life and the good times you have shared.
If you’re feeling challenged by a relationship that’s important to you, it’s essential to highlight its strengths rather than its weaknesses in order to move forwards in a high-vibrational way.
+Close your eyes and think about the relationships that have touched your life.
+Give thanks for the close ones and really imagine them being blessed with ultimate happiness. Then say the words from the photo.
‘Every relationship is an opportunity to experience the divine.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Call to Action
Call to Action
You are receiving a call to action and being asked to step up and create the changes you want to see in the world. Divine inspiration is all around you and Ashtar and his legion of cosmic angels are standing by to offer you loving support. Know that you are being encouraged to be honest, assertive and true in a loving way. You may feel your ego trying to hold you back, but know that when you take the first step, the next one will soon follow. Take some time to connect with the universe by looking up at the stars, knowing that there are loving beings of light gazing back down on you. You are not alone.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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