Kat Koch Kat Koch

Psychic Protection 101

I first learned about psychic protection when I started studying spirituality. I learned that before conducting any spiritual work I would need to invoke an energy of protection to keep me safe and guarded...



I first learned about psychic protection when I started studying spirituality. I learned that before conducting any spiritual work I would need to invoke an energy of protection to keep me safe and guarded, especially if I was working with others through any challenges. But truth be told, I also brought this psychic protection to my daily life – especially If I felt a conversation was draining (usually I would remember at the last minute and I’d end up drained anyway).

I was often putting on psychic protection (by visualising myself in a bubble of light) and still ending up drained. It puzzled me. It made me upset, frustrated and annoyed. I decided to drop into meditation and ask spirit for the answer.




I was told loud and clear that most of the time I (and many others) ask for or invoke psychic protection far too late and usually cling wrap the lower energy in. So imagine this to help you...You’ve met a long-time colleague for lunch and during the meal they spill the beans on how challenging their life is at this time. During the conversation you find yourself getting tired, drained and overwhelmed by the ‘negative’ energy. The energy is attaching itself to you and then, when you invoke an energy of protection, you’re protecting you and the energy connected to you (i.e the wonky vibes) and essentially locking it in like you’ve cling wrapped it to you.


Here’s my 3 step process to psychic protection and creating an armour of light that ACTUALLY works. I created this process based on a daily skin routine. The cleanser gets rid of all the muck and grime, the toner firms up the skin, and the moisturiser locks in all of the goodness. You can do exactly the same with your energy.

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1.     Cleanse

In order to safely protect your energy – you need to cleanse it completely of any left-over energy that is not serving you. You can remove anything that’s hooked on or attached to you from a challenging conversation, place or person.

How to cleanse:

i) Visualisation: You can imagine sacred fire energy burning away any energy that’s attached to you against your will. Imagine that the fire, coming from mother earth, is burning from your energy anything that is not yours. As the fire touches the fear based energy it will transmute and transform it from fear to love.

ii) Angels & St. Michael: You can ask Archangel Michael and/or the Angels to cut the cords of energy that hold you back or are attached to your energy field in prayer:

“Thank you Angels & Archangel Michael, for cutting the cords that bind me to people, places, energy, situations and any other stuff I no longer need. It feels so good to know you are here. I am safe and free!”

2.     Tone

Toning is all about firming up the goodness that is already there. When it comes to toning your energy it’s about focusing on an aspect of your present positivity or harnessing a blessing or choosing to remember your current state of goodness. This ignites the warrior energy within.

How to tone:

Claim your wholeness by declaring that you are completely in control of your body because it’s the vehicle of your soul. You can say this in your own words but make sure you are speaking in present tense and REALLY putting your foot down. Let the Universe and your guides bear witness to the incredible inner-strength that you were born with.

My favourite declaration is powerful, effective and simple:




When I say “love is here” I tap my heart three times so I can feel a physical response to what I really know and trust deep within.

3.     Moisturise

When you are moisturising your energy – you are essentially putting on that safeguard coating that you know is going to lock in the goodness. This is the step that everyone knows from various books and healing modality trainings, but this step will not be as effective unless the previous steps have been taken.

TOP TIP: When doing any light armour work – make sure that the protective light you create goes wider than just your body. I recommend it going 10-20 feet in each direction – really bring that into your vision and intention.

How to Moisturise:

i) Declaration: You can declare that there is an armour of the holiest light surrounding your whole entire body and being extending in 20 feet in each direction. (I think when I say this I say 14 feet – I have no idea why but it rolls off my tongue)

ii) Visualisation: Imagine a cloak of light swirling all over your whole body (colour of your choice) or imagine yourself in incredible armour from head to toe.

iii) Ask your guides: Call on your guides and thank them for protecting you and the energy that surrounds you 20 feet in each direction.

And that’s the best way to keep your energy strong and clear.


WARRIOR TIP: I often still forget to do this process and find myself in situations that feel draining. What I do is politely say, “Can you please excuse me for a moment, I really need to go to the bathroom” and off to the bathroom I go. Locking myself in the stall I’ll then do my 3 step Protection Process and go back feeling safe and energised.


Give this routine a try and then let us know how it goes in the comments below!

I’ve also created a video diving a little deeper into this topic. Click HERE to watch now.


Angel Message Monday

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Forget about Fashion, Follow your Passion

Forget about Fashion, Follow your Passion


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Forget about Fashion, Follow your Passion

We are so blessed to be in this world because there are unlimited opportunities for us to learn and grow. The beauty of this world is the fact that we are all different and we all have our own interests. We all have something that we are passionate about.

Passion is a natural energy that flows through all of us. It helps us express who we really are and share our gifts, talents and creativity with the world.

Our passion can be something to do with our career or a hobby that we are involved in. As I mentioned earlier, I love practising yoga and I love snowboarding. I feel uplifted every time I do either of these activities. When I feel that rush of excitement and fulfillment, all ideas of lack of limitation leave my mind and I feel full and supported.

Our truest form - our soul - is always in a place that is filled with support, abundance and fulfillment. When we do what we love, we allow that sense of abundance to move into our body and mind - we experience it on a physical level.

What’s your passion? What do you love to do? When you choose to do what you love, you express yourself fully and become centred with your soul.

Your passion is prosperous too. When you let go of what you think you should do and follow what you instinctively feel is right for you, all limitations in your mind begin to melt away. When you’re in a place of deep excitement and love, you’re lifted so high on a vibrational level that you’re in touch with the totality of possibility and you move onto a frequency that has unlimited support and potential for you. If you believe that you have the ability to create positive changes in your life, this is the time to do it, my friend. When you are pulsing within your passion you are literally within the heart of the universe and you can manifest the life you love.

Vibe of the Day

Today you are encouraged to find some time, even if it’s 10 minutes, to do what you love or, if that’s really not possible, to dream about what you love. It’s important that this done without pressure or expectation, so choose something that’s not connected with your work.

When you are doing (or dreaming of) what you love, really feel the excitement. Enjoy every moment and breathe it all in.

Then, if you have any goals or dreams of manifesting something in your life, hold them in your mind and say the words from the photo.


‘Experiencing my passions is experiencing prosperity.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Trust in Higher Forces

Trust in Higher Forces


There are spiritual allies working in favour and their miracles will unfold much more easily when you move into a state of trust. So call back your power and stop allowing external forces to divert you from the miracles you deserve. Hand over all of your concerns to your spiritual allies. When you do so, you allow them to send you intuitive guidance and messages that will allow you to correct this situation and come out on top. The Shaman card also show that you have shamanic potential to move between the realms and connect with your guides in an extremely personal way.

Deck: Angels & Ancestors
Artist: Lily Moses

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Sensitivity is so Special

Sensitivity is so Special


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Sensitivity is so Special

In our world, expressing emotion has never really been encouraged. You just have to look at an average parent with a child who has just hurt themselves: ‘Shhhhh,’ they’ll say as they rub the child’s sore bruise, or even, ‘Stop crying, come on.’

Did your parents display emotion or not? Did you ever see your mum cry or did she say, ‘I’m fine,’ and try to hide it if she was upset? Did your dad hold his emotions in? It’s highly likely. From very early on in our lives, we learn that being emotional is wrong.

The truth is, emotions are a gift. They are messages from our body and heart telling us something is important. If we ignore them, we are ignoring any guidance that is coming through.

When you raise your vibration, you begin to trust your emotions, and the insights the universe is bringing you will be as clear as day.

Today you are encouraged to observe your emotions. What are they? How can you express them?

When you really allow yourself to express your emotions, you give yourself an opportunity to pick up the messages that are coming through to you on an intuitive level.

True emotions are beautiful and it’s okay to be sensitive.


‘My emotions are the messengers of my soul. I wholly embrace them.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Trustworthy Friends

Trustworthy Friends


You may have felt a little left out recently and unsure who is being real in your life. Don't concern yourself about it - the Angels are here to help you. By surrendering any friendship issues or worries you have to them, you will allow a source of love to guide you to the peace you deserve. The Angels will help you see, realize and know who really is on the same vibration as you so that you can truly enjoy your social time. If you feel that you don't know who your friends are, follow the prayer on this card and the Angels will direct you to those who will support you and allow you to support them. Friendship means balance and it is as blessed to support as it is to be supported.

Deck: Angel Prayers
Artist: Jason Mccreadie

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Embody your Body

Embody your Body


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Embody your Body

Have you noticed that it has become popular and even on trend to be busy? We go around with full schedules and have grown used to being on the go.

There’s nothing wrong with being busy, but sometimes when we get pulled into the vortex of activity we forget about our own needs and can miss a lot of the messages our body and soul are sending us.

Have you allowed yourself to become addicted to being busy? Do you feel lost when your schedule for the day is empty? If the answer is ‘yes’, it’s time to change that. 

Have you ever noticed that if you’ve had a really busy few months, when you finally take a holiday or even a day off, you get sick? That’s your body making sure that you finally stop and just take some time to be with yourself.

When you come back to your body, you come back to the clearest guidance system you have. When you give yourself the amazing gift of more time to really listen, you’ll hear what the body wants you to know. If you take the time to check in with your body on a regular basis, you won’t have to face a more intense signal from it when it needs your attention.

Today you are encouraged to come back into your body. Take some time to give thanks for this amazing vehicle and the messages it sends you. Your body wants nothing more than to be happy and healthy, and if you really, really listen to it, it will tell you what it needs in order to be well.

You can even ask your body if it would like certain types of food or drink. All you have to do is close your eyes, come back to your breath, think of the particular food or drink and ask, ‘Is this what you would like today?’ or ‘Will this agree with you today?’ You will instinctively get a clear feeling of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 

When you become more aware of the natural rhythms and message of your body, you will become spiritually ‘embodied’, and this deeper state of awareness will allow you to raise your vibration. 

Your body is the home of your soul. Listen to it and learn how it can support you on your spiritual pathway.

Vibe of the Day

+Closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths, just become aware of your body and the natural flow of your breath.

+Instinctively place your hands on a part of your body that you feel needs your attention or some more energy.

+Breathe deeply into your hands and allow your breath to carry extra life-force energy to this area of your body.

+Listen to anything you feel your body wants you to know. Become aware of the natural signs, signals and messages it sends you.

+When you’re ready, set your intention with the words in the photo above.


‘My body always tells me what I need.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light


Your Guardian Angel is encouraging you to continue on the spiritual pathway and to help as many people as you can. It's important to look after your energy first, but if you can be of service to another, the Angels are encouraging you. The mighty Archangel Uriel is standing before you today and showing you the way to go. However you feel called to serve humanity, it has been Angelically inspired - go for it and shine!

Deck: Angel Prayers
Artist: Jason Mccreadie

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Sacred Senses

Sacred Senses


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Sacred Senses

The sacral chakra is the sacred space that is related to our reproductive organs and for that reason it represents our ability to create. We can create life from this centre. What else can we create?

In order to raise your vibration today, you are encouraged to look at your reproductive organs (yes, your genitals) in a loving way. A great deal of shame is held within the genitals and that needs to change. Somewhere along the line we’ve lost our sense of loving and belonging to our genitalia and right now is the time to find it again. These amazing body parts allow us to bring life into this world and to make love to our partner in life. They are sacred, divine and, as fas as the universe is concerned, they are the space in which we create.

Today you are encouraged to send love from your heart to your genitals. Thank them silently for playing their divine part in your life.

When you acknowledge this sacred centre of creation as beautiful you come into special alignment with your inner creativity - and this is the part of you that manifests positivity in your life!

Vibe of the Day

+With your eyes open or closed, imagine an amazing light streaming from your heart centre to your genitals. Imagine them being washed in a golden light of unconditional love.

+Then give thanks for being the special instruments they are. Say the words from the photo.


‘I welcome freedom through the honouring of my sacred self.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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