Give Thanks to the Earth
Give Thanks to the Earth
Give Thanks to the Earth
The Earth is a wonderful place to be. Every day this incredible planet holds you, hosts you and nourishes you. Shelter, food and water all come from the planet – she’s so loving and giving.
So many people walking the Earth take ‘Her’ for granted.
They take, take, take, and never spend a moment in gratitude for all the incredible things she offers up for us. Many people, when they see natural disasters get this idea that Mother Earth is angry because it feels like she’s punishing the planet for mistreating her, but that’s not the case. She’s simply self-correcting and these moments are ‘wake up’ calls with opportunities to heal and change.
Mother Earth is like any giving and loving mother – she will do anything she can for her children and will continue to do so with all of her might. The huge problem with that, like most mothers, the Earth will put her children first, giving all of her resources until she is empty and no more.
The message from the Universe is clear:
Protect Mother Earth
When you begin to Raise Your Vibration, you will naturally want to take the steps to support the frequency of the planet. The more spiritually aware you become, the more conscious of the Earth you will become and the more you will feel called to looking after the planet.
You can begin to take small shifts – maybe you already are doing this. Ask yourself what you can do to help Mother Earth.
It can be as simple as picking litter from the beach, ocean, forest, local park or street. Feeding her birds, planting more wildflowers to help the bees or supporting a charity by planting trees.
Helping mother earth feels good and if it feels good, it means you are on purpose and raising your vibration. When you raise your energy, you raise that of the planet.
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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You are Safe
You are Safe
You are Safe
In order for the earth to feel safe, you have to feel safe.
In order for you to feel safe, the earth has to feel safe.
There's synergetic relationship with both statements.
If you're feeling unsafe in yourself, the world can tend to reflect this. You may find yourself in circumstances or situations that echo this feeling of unsafe. This can be extremely difficult to change and shake especially if you have been subjected to a difficult start in life or a lifestyle that has chipped away at your worthiness.
But you have been called here and there is great reason for you in this space, at this time. The fact that you are even reading these words and are in this space today is testament to the fact that somewhere deep within you, you know that the feeling of safety is something you can claim, feel and embody.
Today's message from the Universe is simple and clear:
You were born with a driving desire to leave this Earth in a better state than how it was when you came to it. That’s what Raising Your Vibration is all about – even if your initial plan was to become a more positive person for yourself or even for your family, you are responding to a greater call from the Universe for the Earth.
All that you do in yourself and for yourself, is what you offer up to the world. Therefore, feeling safe and experiencing safety is a purposeful mission. You feeling safe, creates a wave of healing and change that washes over your world and bit by bit this can contribute to a greater healing.
In order to move into a safe place, you have to acknowledge all the fears you have. Taking time to ‘feel them out’ allows you to realise and recognise that feelings are just feelings and they do not have to be your truth. You can change the narrative.
This isn’t about avoidance. This is about recognition.
Feel how you need to feel before working on feeling how you want to feel.
The medicine to overcoming your fears is the remembering that even though you can be hurt emotionally or physically, the real you can never be tarnished. Your soul is eternal and unbreakable. Let that be the light that guides you to safety.
‘There is no place safer for me to be than in my body.
My body is the home of my soul.
My outer self is a reflection of my inner self.
My soul is the true and real aspect of me and it can never be broken, tarnished or damaged.
My soul is healed and whole.
Today I claim my safety, because the light of my soul shines within a light of protection.
I am safe!’
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Your Passion is Prosperous
Your Passion is Prosperous
Your Passion is Prosperous
You are so blessed to be in this world because there are unlimited opportunities for you to learn and grow. The beauty of this world is the fact that we are all different and we all have our own interests. We all have something that we are passionate about.
Passion is a natural energy that flows through all of us. It helps us express who we really are and share our gifts, talents and creativity with the world.
Prosperity, is the energy of fulfillment and riches.
When you tune into the vibration of passion – you will naturally magnetize the energy of prosperity towards you.
Your passion can be something to do with your career or a hobby which you are involved in. It’s got to be that thing that lights your soul on fire – that thing you do that helps you forget about all of your cares and worries and gives you that space for you to be in the present moment full of joy and contentment.
Your truest form – your soul – is always in a place that is filled with support, abundance and fulfilment. When you do what you love, you allow that sense of abundance to move into your body and mind – you experience it on a physical level.
What’s your passion? What do you love to do? When you choose to do what you love, you express yourself fully and become centered with your soul.
When you let go of what you think you should do and follow what you instinctively feel is right for you, all limitations in your mind begin to melt away. When you’re in a place of deep excitement and love, you’re lifted so high on a vibrational level that you’re in touch with the totality of possibility and you move onto a frequency that has unlimited support and potential for you.
That’s a real definition of prosperity.
And prosperity is available to you right now, through your passion.
If you believe that you have the ability to create positive changes in your life, this is the time to do it. When you are pulsing within your passion you align with the infinite heart of the universe, and you can manifest the life you love.
Experience your passion.
Experience prosperity.
Raise Your Vibration.
‘It feels so good to do what I love.
When I experience my passion in life, I am unbound and limitless.
When I follow my passion I attract and experience prosperity
I move into the totality of possibility that surrounds me.
It feels so good to experience more of what I love
And so it is!
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Keep calm and co-operate
Keep calm and co-operate
Keep calm and co-operate
Sometimes it can be very easy to be pulled into the mindset that life is working against you, but it’s not! The universe is always working in accordance with your free will. It wants you to be happy, abundant and fulfilled. It loves you more than words can describe. Let it support you.
Today you are invited to co-operate with the universe by keeping calm. If something has gone ‘wrong’, know that the universe has a greater plan. Instead of having a meltdown or freaking out, keep calm. Remember the field of energy that surrounds you and moves through you responds to every thought, feeling and intention you have. If you feel that it’s not working with you and that there’s some sort of karma trail following you, well, that’s what you’ll experience.
So, today, choose to know that you are being supported, held and led by the presence of light that exists within you. Take several deep breaths and trust that the universe will co-operate with you when you co-operate with it. You are a team. Know it is your biggest fan, your greatest supporter and the cheerleader of your soul.
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Turn your frown upside down
Turn your frown upside down
Turn your frown upside down
Everything you do in this world moves out from you like a wave of energy. When you are kind, happy and harmonious, this wave extends to all those who cross your pathway. And the kindness you share is eventually going to come back to you.
People always say, ‘What comes around, goes around!’ and I know they like to drop the word ‘karma’ online, especially if someone has been challenged in their life, but that’s not the point. Karma, the law of cause and effect, is ultimately a spiritual tool to encourage us to be kind and loving.
When you are kind to others, you are literally being kind to yourself too. When you focus on what makes you happy it’s as if the doors of your heart swing open and you move into the space of love that rests gently within. When you experience this love, you welcome all those around you into this space too. So, every time you experience bliss and joy you are literally holding space for others to experience it too Your happiness is a wave of healing to the whole world.
Today you are encouraged to recognize all the simple things that make you feel happy. When you are happy, you raise your vibration to the divine and you allow others to raise their vibration too. Happiness is infectious. Think of it - when someone starts to smile, you can’t take that smile off your face either, can you?
Today’s exercise is smiling as much as you can. Offer the gift of joy to all those you meet. Everywhere you go, look for the simple blessings that surround us all.
Today, recognize that happiness is a gift and it’s yours anytime you allow it to be. Remember: ‘My happiness sends healing to the world.'
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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No to them, Yes to yourself
‘No’ to them, ‘Yes’ to yourself
Vibe of the Day
No to them, Yes to yourself
The universe knows that a lot of this raising your vibes stuff is to do with how you want to help the world, and probably those around you too. When you want to give, it shows that you have a wonderfully generous, kind and loving heart - it shows you want to make a difference. But let’s talk about receiving for a change.
When you receive, you allow yourself to be replenished with all that you have given and more. And you deserve to be replenished, because you share so much with the world. Know this.
It’s never easy to strike a balance between giving and receiving, but your soul will tell you when you need to receive rather than give. If someone is asking you for a favour and you’re really unable to oblige, but do so anyway because you feel guilty or that if you don’t do it you’re letting someone down, you should know that you’re letting yourself down if you give in.
Today’s lesson is a gentle kick in the butt from the universe because it wants you to be replenished. It wants you to have the tools to say ‘no’ to others so you can finally say ‘yes’ to yourself. This is Self-Care 101.
Today you are encouraged to say ‘yes’ to yourself. How can you do this? What can you do to feel replenished? Is there anything on your agenda that you can gently let go? Is there something you can do for yourself?
If you are under pressure from others, here’s a tool for saying ‘no’ in a loving way so you can look after yourself:
‘I am sorry you feel like that/that you are overwhelmed and I want nothing but the best for you. You deserve to be happy. But right now I can’t help you with that. So I’m going to say “no” to you so that I can say “yes” to myself. Thank you for understanding. I love you.’
You can say this in conversation or you can just say it quietly to yourself. If it’s someone you don’t love, you can adjust it accordingly, but you get the idea.
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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'No' to them, 'Yes' to yourself
‘No’ to them, ‘Yes’ to yourself
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: ‘No’ to them, ‘Yes’ to yourself
The universe knows that a lot of this raising your vibes stuff is to do with how you want to help the world, and probably those around you too. When you want to give, it shows that you have a wonderfully generous, kind and loving heart - it shows you want to make a difference. But let’s talk about receiving for a change.
When you receive, you allow yourself to be replenished with all that you have given and more. And you deserve to be replenished, because you share so much with the world. Know this.
It’s never easy to strike a balance between giving and receiving, but your soul will tell you when you need to receive rather than give. If someone is asking you for a favour and you’re really unable to oblige but do so anyway because you feel guilty or that if you don’t do it you’re letting someone down, you should know that you’re letting yourself down if you give in.
Today’s lesson is a gentle kick in the butt from the universe because it wants you to be replenished. It wants you to have the tools to say ‘no’ to others so you can finally say ‘yes’ to yourself. This is Self-Care 101.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to say ‘yes’ to yourself. How can you do this? What can you do to feel replenished? Is there anything on your agenda that you can gently let go? Is there something you can do for yourself?
If you are under pressure from others, here’s a tool for saying ‘no’ in a loving way so you can look after yourself:
‘I am sorry you feel like that/that you are overwhelmed and I want nothing but the best for you. You deserve to be happy. But right now I can’t help you with that. So I’m going to say “no” to you so that I can say “yes” to myself. Thank you for understanding. I love you.’
You can say this in conversation or you can just say it quietly to yourself. If it’s someone you don’t love, you can adjust it accordingly, but you get the idea.
‘Today I ignite my light and shine brightly in the world!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Ignite your Light!
Ignite your Light!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Ignite your Light!
Your solar energy is strong now. You are balanced. Free of shame. Filled with inspiration. In touch with your inner voice and integrated with your intuition.
You were made to shine. Your light is within you now and the world is ready to see it.
Today you are invited to turn your light on in a conscious way and to send it out into the world. You are invited to do this whole process with a simple pose.
Vibe of the Day
-Bring your feet together. Separate your heels slightly if this is uncomfortable.
-Squeeze your inner thighs towards each other and gently scoop your bottom underneath you.
-Draw your belly in lightly to generate energy in your solar plexus centre.
-Roll your shoulders back and have your palms at your sides facing forwards. Welcome to Tadasana or ‘Mountain Pose’.
-Imagine that you are turning a light on in your belly. This light is shining more and more brightly until it is shining all the way through your body. The drawing-in of your belly is encouraging this light to move up and down your spine and through all the major extremities of your body.
-That light moves to your hands. As you feel it reach them, sweep them up into the air.
-Drawing your shoulders down (which keeps the chest engaged and the heart open), imagine that you are sending that light of yours to the four corners of the world. You aren’t losing your energy but sharing it with the entire world.
-Once you feel you have done this you can bring your hands back down to your heart centre in prayer style and make a silent bow to yourself.
-Celebrate the fact that you’ve finally embraced your light and shared it with the world!
‘Today I ignite my light and shine brightly in the world!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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