Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch




There is a deep build-up of life-force within you now and a need to channel it into action. You may have extra energy or be more alert than usual, or be aware of a sense of increased sensual or sexual energy. If you have been unsure how this ties into your spiritual path, know that it can allow you to access the richness of your soul. When we are not expressing ourselves sexually, our spiritual potential can become tamed or muted, so if you are denying yourself a desire, ask yourself how you can fulfil it. Ask Cernunnos to help you access your sexual self so that you can express it with integrity, and in a way that honours your soul. If you and your partner are trying for a child and this card appears, fertility is very possible, especially if Brigid, Cernunnos’s twin flame, is present too.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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Kat Koch Kat Koch

Angel Prayers is on Sale!


Are you craving a daily spiritual practice that will bring about miraculous changes?

I wrote a book called ‘Angel Prayers’ and it may be the missing piece in your spiritual toolkit! Prayer, like angels, transcends religion – it’s a universal practice. Every day, in the four corners of the world, people pray for health, healing and happiness.

Prayer can be incorporated into every experience of your life. You can pray to give thanks for your food, for the birth of a child or to encourage healing to take place in your body. No matter what your reason for praying, it’s always useful because you welcome in higher powers, open yourself up, and prepare for divine order to balance your situation.

If you ever feel that prayer isn’t working for you or your prayers are going unanswered I’m here to help you change this for good. In the expanded edition of my book Angel Prayers, I reveal how to use affirmative prayer to bring about positive change in your life.

Affirmative prayer is a metaphysical technique where, instead of praying for an answer in the future, we give thanks for it as if it has already happened. The technique is simple:

  • Acknowledge the angel or whomever you’re praying to

  • Thank them for their help

  • Affirm that the change has already happened

  • Say ‘And so it is!’ to state that your wish has already been fulfilled


Through affirmative prayer we’re acknowledging that angels are guiding us right now, we’re expressing gratitude for that guidance and we’re confirming we’re safe. We’re working with the Law of Manifestation too, because we’re affirming that angels are with us and that our situation has already been resolved.

Gratitude is one of the keys when it comes to this technique. With your prayers, I encourage you to let go of the word ‘please’ and replace it with the powerful words ‘thank you’.

We don’t have to plead with angels for help – they’re there to help us. And the universe is so vast that there’s enough energy for all of us, so we don’t have to beg. If we open ourselves up to this abundance with the words ‘Thank you’, we welcome it in now!

My two favorite daily angel prayers are easy, simple and affirmative. And they never let me down! Try them out yourself. There is no better way to learn!

They are:

Thank you, angels, for reminding me of your presence.

Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know.

Grab some paper now and take some time to rethink how you say your prayers. If you’ve been praying for something in the hope that it will arrive in the future, start thanking heaven for it as if it has already arrived.

You can also replace every negative statement you make with a positive affirmation. My favourite is ‘The angels surround my day with love!’ This is easy to remember and will definitely realign your thoughts.

What I’ve come to see is that, for most of us, prayer is the last resort. It’s that final plea to a higher power when we’ve tried everything else or we don’t have any other option.

For me, prayer isn’t the last resort, it’s the first. It’s the medium of miracles. It gives me spiritual, mental and emotional clarity. I pray daily to acknowledge the goodness in my life and use authentic and heart-centred gratitude as a way of thanking my angels for guiding me to where I am today.

I’ll never forget the first time I said, ‘Thank you, angels!’ and now this simple phrase has become a mantra, an affirmation and an opening line for prayers, not only for me, but for many angel believers around the world. Thanking angels is a simple and effective form of prayer.


Instead of praying as a last resort, redirect your thoughts from fear to love. That’s what a miracle is: it’s a shift in perspective. Instead of focusing on what’s lost, missing or unhealed, acknowledge the blessings that are here right now. This will help you to develop the kind of thinking that allows healing to occurs today, not tomorrow.

Over the last 15 years of studying and connecting with angels I have found that angels are for everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’ve come from, what religion you were brought up in, what your cultural heritage is, what country is on your passport or if you don’t even have a country of residence - you have an angel. What’s even more important is that your angel loves you beyond your comprehension. You are their purpose and they are dedicated to your wellbeing on all levels. They see you as a perfect, innocent child of the universe and they will do everything within their power to guide you on your way.

Your guardian angel is with you right this second, waiting for your invitation to help you in all areas of your life. As you apply the angel prayers technique to your daily practice and acknowledge the angelic presence in your life, I know miracles will begin to take place.

In addition to discovering various angel prayer techniques, you’ll also learn about:

  • The power of prayer, demonstrated by true stories from my clients and my own personal experiences

  • The spiritual laws at play in the world and how your words and intentions affect your life

  • The Angelic Hierarchy, including the 15 major Archangels and other angelic beings who support you on your journey

  • Invocations and prayers to call specific Angels and Archangels, including lesser known Angels such as Hope, Faith and Charity

  • Powerful prayers to support you through all life events


Get ready to open up to the beautiful world of angel prayers.

Warning: Miraculous results are on the way!

Get Your eBook of Angel Prayers now for just $1.99! But hurry, this offer ends on September 29, 2019.


*Kyle Gray UK is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. By clicking on of these links you are supporting the author directly.

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Abundance is a State of Mind

Abundance is a State of Mind


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Abundance is a State of Mind

Today you are encouraged to see the riches in your life - and not just the material ones. We have a tendency to measure how rich we are by the things we have and the certificates on our wall. When we do this, though, we are measuring our own worth and there’s a danger that we will never feel good enough.

The universe doesn’t measure us at all. As far as it’s concerned, we are all perfect because within us there’s a perfect spark of splendour - an extension of divine love itself.

You may not feel perfect, or rich, but you are richer than you think. What blessings do you have? What gifts do you have?

Everything you ‘have’ on this Earth is just an external representation of how rich you feel within. You can never be rich if you feel poor, so it’s time to feel rich again.

Abundance is a state of mind. Today give thanks for the people, places, blessings and gifts in your life and let your soul feel rich.


‘My world is a reflection of my inner riches and it is full of abundance.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Earth Connection

Earth Connection


You are blessed to receive this Great Mother card today because it shows that the Earth itself, through the image of Gaia, is protecting your path. You are a strong, focused and loving individual. Stay grounded and don’t allow your imagination, ego or fears to run away with you. Ensure your choices are for the highest good. Gaia is also bringing her motherly love to you and encircling you in a cocoon of peace. If you have had troubles with a mother in your life, or are feeling disconnected from or grieving your own mother, Gaia helps revitalize that connection and will bring healing where it is possible. If you are a mother and are worrying about these duties, know that Gaia is thanking you for your hard work and commitment. The Earth is blessed to have you.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

Thank Your Earthly Mama!

Thank Your Earthly Mama!


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: Thank Your Earthly Mama!

I had a bumper sticker on my first car. It read ‘The Earth is our mother, treat her with respect.’

We are so blessed to be on this Earth and to be experiencing this life. The Earth is a wonderful place to be. What’s going wrong on this planet hasn’t anything to do with Mother Nature - it has everything to do with us. Every day when I get onto my yoga mat I like to give thanks to the Earth and tune in to her rhythm.
When we begin to raise our vibration, we also help to raise the frequency of the planet. The more spiritually aware we become, the more conscious of the Earth we become and the more we look after the planet.
If we are littering the street or avoiding doing the recycling then we aren’t exactly coming from a place that’s heart-centered. If we are helping nature, looking after her, giving thanks for her and doing our best to keep our part of the world clean then we are also keeping it spiritually clean, and that means we can hold more space for light there.
While you are on this journey, ask yourself what you can do to help Mother Earth. Can you feed her birds? Clean the local park, beach or forest? Can you use less plastic or contribute more to your recycling? All of these steps help you become more aware of the world that surrounds you and help you clean up your inner world too.
Vibe of the Day
Today, give thanks to Mother Earth. How can you do it? I’m going to introduce you to the yoga pose I do while giving thanks. It’s suitable for all levels of fitness and I really believe it helps me become one with the great mother. It’s called Balasana or Child’s Pose (extended version). You can do it at home or even somewhere in nature that you love.
*Come onto your knees and spread them about hip-width apart (or as wide as your yoga mat if you have one), while keeping your big toes touching.
*Then lean forward and bring your forehead and hands to the ground in front of you.
*Allow your fingers to spread wide as your palms press down into the Earth.
*With every out-breath, allow your hips to sink deep down towards your heels, giving your spine a beautiful stretch.


‘Today I choose to honour the Earth because she is our mother!'

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Green Tara

Supreme Protection


You are safe. Protection is all around you. The worst is behind you and you are ready to move beyond the challenges that were set out for you. Cords are being cut between you and your past so that you can feel energetically clear and aware. Don’t worry about recalling fearful experiences – they aren’t going to be recreated now. Just acknowledge them and leave them behind so you can step into a space of spiritual and personal freedom. Green Tara has placed a force-field of complete love and acceptance around you. She is here to tell you that you no longer need to build up walls around your heart, and that it’s safe to trust what you feel and who is in your life today.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch High Vibe Thursday Kat Koch

You are Safe

You are Safe


High Vibe Thursday

Vibe of the Day: You are Safe

Feeling safe is essential to raising your vibration. Increasing your positive frequency involves opening your heart, and to do that you must cultivate a space within you that feels safe. 

I for one know what it feels like to be vulnerable. In my teens I was overwhelmed by anxiety after being chased by a gang of youths one night while walking home from a friend’s house. I was just taking my usual route home when all of a sudden a huge gang turned the corner and started coming towards me at quite the pace. I could hear them shouting and sense the violent energy coming from them. Instantly my body wanted to run and before I knew it I was bolting down the street. Turning to peek back, I noticed that they were running now too. I raced through the security door of my apartment block and felt secure at last - but they still tried to get in by kicking the door.

After that episode I felt vulnerable all through my teens when I was walking the streets. It was only later in life that I learned that my focus was encouraging this. I believe that I could be attacked and couldn’t get that out of my mind. I really believe that’s why I had experiences like that growing up. 

At the same time, the incident with the youths can be used as a metaphor. What do I mean by this? The gang can be seen to represent my fearful thoughts. And if I keep running from them, I’ll never escape them - they’ll always be there in my mind. If I believe they can hold me back then of course they will.

So, in order to move into a safe place, we all have to acknowledge the fears we have and in all honesty we have to ‘feel them out’, gaze right into them and recognize them for what they are.

Fears are not real. They are figments of our imagination or memories of our past playing over and over again. They can really bring us down. But experiencing fear is an opportunity to move into the space of fearlessness.

Fears are not real. They are figments of our imagination or memories of our past playing over and over again. They can really bring us down. But experiencing fear is an opportunity to move into the space of fearlessness.

I’ve found that the medicine for overcoming my own fears is the idea that I can never really be hurt. You see, within us there is an amazing light and it’s called the soul. It’s the part of us that is eternal and it can never be hurt, damaged or tarnished.

When we trust that we’re unbreakable, we will create experiences in our life that will reflect our feeling of safety.

‘I am safe in my body because it is the home of my soul.’

Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray

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Angel Message Monday Kat Koch Angel Message Monday Kat Koch

Experiencing Grace

Experiencing Grace


Whatever creative ideas you are having at this time, they are inspired by the divine. Paul the Venetian is here to help channel your gifts. You may have felt blocked or held back in the past, but now it's time to recognize how talented you really are. Follow your bliss and share your grace. Your creativity is a gift to the world, and as you share it with all those around you, you make space in your heart for goodness to enter. Recognize your gifts today and express your creative self in a way that suits you.

Deck: Keepers of the Light Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses

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