Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts
Whether you are a natural intuitive, psychic, dancer, writer, yoga teacher or whatever, you have the natural ability to connect with spirit because you ARE spirit. You were also born with talents and gifts. You may not see them, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. Pay attention over the next few weeks to anyone asking you to show them something or help them with problems that you've already overcome in your own life. You have spiritual gifts coming into alignment and Archangel Raziel wants to help you channel them. Go for it!
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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Sleep right to shine bright!
Sleep right to shine bright!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Sleep right to shine bright!
So many lightworkers switch on at night-time, not only on a mental level but on a spiritual level as well. A huge reason why we light up in the evening is that we don’t have as many distractions around us then and we have the opportunity to hear our soul voice. But a good night’s sleep is essential to raising your frequency.
In order to encourage a good night’s sleep, you need to prepare yourself before you get into bed. Instead of jumping straight in and trying to sleep, especially if you know this is difficult, you can prepare your energy, set an intention and clear the space around you so that you can move with ease into deep and fulfilling rest.
Today’s lesson is to be saved until it’s time for bed - but check it out before then so you have time to prepare.
Vibe of the Day
To get a good night’s sleep, here are the easiest three things you can do before you go to bed:
Clear the Clutter.
Physical clutter is psychic clutter. If your sleeping space has too much stuff floating around in it, then your mind will too. Clear your space and you will feel clear within.
Sit on the floor next to your bed and meditate for 5-10 minutes. You don’t have to go too deep, just do something to focus on your breathing. Do something that’s blissful - maybe imagine walking along a beautiful beach. Let your mind wander if it needs to, but make your breathing as long and deep as possible. This will give you the time to let your mind wander instead of bringing that energy into bed with you.
Set an intention.
Once you’ve finished your meditation, set the intention to relax at bedtime. Speak clearly to the universe and tell it that this is not a time for you to work, get creative or rearrange your life. Be clear that you are ready to rest and that you are grateful for its support.
‘When I sleep right, I shine bright!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Connect with Music
Connect with Music
You are a beacon of light and the Angels want to help you connect with their guidance and inspiration. Listening to positive and uplifting music is so important for your spiritual growth. As you do so, your heart will open up and draw the Angels close to you. They're desperate to dance at your side - make it happen! There are also messages coming to you through lyrics and music, so keep your ears open. If you are a musician, the Angels want to be a part of your musical career - invite them in.
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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Sustain your self-worth!
Sustain your self-worth!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Sustain your self-worth!
How you see yourself and how you value yourself have everything to do with the raising of your vibration. When you begin to raise yourself up and get more connected, you begin to see yourself the way the universe and angels do.
Your self-worth is your true vision of yourself. It helps you recognize that you are deserving of growth and learning on this pathway. When you top it up, you move into a state of confidence with the ability to create success from a place that is loving and balanced.
It’s so important to see yourself in a loving way. One of the greatest ways to do this is to look at yourself through the eyes of your guardian angel. Your guardian angel loves you unconditionally and has no expectations of you. They just fall in love with you each and every second. And they see beyond your looks and what we class as vanity - they see the light of your soul.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to see yourself through the eyes of your guardian angel. Know that when they look at you they look beyond your health concerns, your financial status and the labels you have given yourself and see beautiful golden light. They see a being filled with potential in a space of unlimited possibility.
+Imagine yourself as golden light. See that you are unlimited on all levels.
+Know that you are loved beyond words. Today, choose to offer yourself that same love.
+Believe that your errors are behind you now and what you do with this moment is what matters.
+Say the words in the photo
‘Today I choose to offer myself the love I deserve.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Awakening Presence
Awakening Presence
Spiritual protection is important at this time. Ensure that you are cleansing your energy before putting on protection. El Morya is here with a legion of angels to help you understand where are are at now, fire up your divine connection and detach from dramas, people, places and emotions that no longer serve you. Remember that within you there is a mighty soul light. Allow that light to shine through your entire being. Then call on El Morya and his angels to surround you in a light that will keep you safe on all levels. Also know that facing fears and seeing the truth will strengthen your connection to the universal life-force.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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Say hello to your ego
Hello Ego!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Say ‘hello’ to your ego!
Our ego has a radical plan of its own. It likes to throw a curve ball. It loves to tip us off-balance. When it likes, it can be one nasty piece of work. Most of us end up falling out with our ego, and when we do, we start a war in our own mind. It’s time to change that.
The ego has a purpose. I know it’s hard to think of it that way, but it’s true. The ego is that voice within us that starts to write a plan for success and a plan for failure at the same time. It’s the inner voice that makes us feel special and unworthy in the same sentence. It’s the voice that give us a choice.
The purpose of the ego is to give us the opportunity to be drawn in by fear or motivated by love. On some level, it’s basically asking, ‘Are you ready to move beyond your own limitations and fears?’ The truth of the matter is that sometimes we’re not.
When we’re challenged by our ego and get sucked into the fear of failure and the war of unworthiness, there’s a part of us that’s saying, ‘I need some more love in order to move up a step!’ and we have to provide that love in order to be limitless rather than limited.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to take a different approach to your ego. When this voice starts to babble, instead of telling it to shut up, you are encouraged to say ‘hello’ and send it some love.
As soon as you hear your inner voice making a false promise or telling something that you know isn’t your essential truth (which is that you are pure love), say the words in the photo. Then get on with your day.
‘Today I choose to offer myself the love I deserve.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Focused Intention
Focused Intention
Move forwards with unwavering faith, knowing that the universe is supporting you. Diana is helping you awaken your divine ability to manifest what you deserve. Any fear is only a reminder that whatever you are working on or through is an important issue for your growth. Your focus is strong now and will be particularly powerful at the full moon. You may be aware of night owl tendencies - this is because your angels and guides are sending you important messages that you may be missing during the day due to a busy schedule. Set some time aside to do a deep meditation to receive the guidance.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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Inner Fire
Inner Fire
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Your inner fire is to warm you, not to burn you
You are an inspired, spiritual and exciting individual. You have recognized that you have a larger part to play in this universe and you have responded to that call. You have learned that you have a solar light within you and you have recognized that you have divine inspiration moving through you at all times.
When you are receiving ideas and inspiration, it’s important to know the universe always works on divine timing. It doesn’t have any expectations of you, nor does it give you any time restrictions.
You are moving at the right pace for you and you are encouraged to acknowledge that. Your inner fire motivates you, encourages you and guides you.
The universe and its angels want to support you and your dreams. So take a step back and allow this divine support in. It’s very easy to get sucked into a task or a dream, pour all of your energy into it and burn yourself out. Also, if you’re always trying to be in control of a situation and can’t take a step back to review where you are right now, there’s a chance you’re blocking your dream from happening. Your angels of light are with you now and they want you to know that it’s important to stay interested in your goals, but don’t put so much of your energy into them that you end up feeling drained and depleted. Draw on the support of the universe and trust in its divine timing.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to take a step back and allow the universe to meet you halfway. Recognize that whatever dream or goal you are working on is coming to fruition in its own good time and that over-possessiveness can end up holding you back rather than taking you forwards.
Know that you have done what you need to and hand the rest over to the universe. Know angels are gladly taking over from here so you can be guided to your highest good.
+Imagine you are taking the situation that’s worrying you or burning you out into your hands. Hold them wide open.
+Lift your hands up to heaven and imagine that an angel of golden light is taking this situation from you and taking it to heaven. Say the words from the picture as you do this.
‘I move into the balance of giving and receiving.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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