Focus Your Mind
Focus Your Mind
The Angels can see that there’s too much going on in your mind and it’s taking you away from your priorities. They want to come in and help you focus so you that you can be at your best at this time. Take a moment to let go of any challenging and negative thoughts, because they aren’t serving you. It’s time to refocus in a loving and positive way. Let the Angels help.
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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Solar Power, Solar Plexus
Solar Power, Solar Plexus
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Solar Power, Solar Plexus
Our chakras are crucial to the raising of our vibration. I like to think of them as the spiritual anatomy, and when we look after that anatomy we are able to express more aspects of our true self and soul.
As we have seen, our solar plexus is important because it represents our willpower, our drive and our ability to achieve. It is the sun of our body. For this reason it’s important to keep it balanced, energized and focused. When it’s drained of energy, we can lose our drive and sense of direction and even be overwhelmed mentally. When it has too much energy moving through it, we can become addicted to being busy and have too many ideas we can’t honour or follow through.
Maintaining a balanced solar plexus isn’t as difficult as you might think. In fact it’s so simple to be in touch with your solar plexus that it’s easily forgotten by many on the spiritual path.
Your solar plexus allows you to access solar power from within so that you can create a sense of movement, excitement and ease in your life. As you maintain the balance of this space you allow your spiritual energy to move to a higher frequency and you are able to receive divine guidance and creative surges in a way that feels approachable and inspired.
Vibe of the Day
Today we will do a simple meditation exercise in which we encourage the solar plexus to move and radiate in a way that’s balanced.
+Sit in a way that feels comfortable to you. Either on the floor or on a chair is completely cool.
+Encourage your shoulders to relax. Maybe roll them forwards and back a few times. Ease off your neck and roll it from side to side.
+Once you feel more comfortable, bring your hands to your solar plexus centre.
+Breathe into your hands. Feel your belly expand with each and every in-breath.
+Imagine that with every in-breath you are drawing light from the sun into your body and it’s moving into the centre of your being. As this light comes into your body, it washes away all challenges, constrictions and conflicts from within. You move into a state of balance with your whole being.
+Stay there for as long as you need, breathing light into your solar plexus and exhaling the old and stale energy that been standing between you and your inner power.
+When you’re ready, set your intention using the words above.
‘I have accessed the light of my soul and I share it with the world!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Love & Acceptance
Angels are gathering round you in celebration that you are finally willing to see how loving and lovable you are. Hope is here with her legion of love angels, guiding you to see that you deserve loving relationships, loving experiences and loving acceptance from the world around you. It seems that you are really moving beyond the limitations that you once had in this department, but know that whenever you do question your worth, you can call on Hope to shine her golden light upon you. Your angels want you to know that they love and cherish you - and they're grateful that you're giving yourself the same support.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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Where there's a will, there's a way
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Within you is a mighty power. You have the ability to achieve your dreams and create miracles in your life. Everything you do and everything you say is radiating out from you now and preparing the way forwards. You are a limitless being, suspended in a universe that is full, vibrant and unlimited in energy. It’s with you now. It’s in you now and it’s got your back.
The power of intention is amazing - it’s always working, even when you don’t realize it. Everything that you say as a statement, sarcastic or not, is an intention. Every experience you accept into your life is also an intention. Now let me get this clear: I’m not telling you to stop having a joke and a laugh, but I am encouraging you to get clear about what you want to experience in the world.
Experiencing bad behavior from others or feeling abused or taken advantage of can affect our intentions. To make it simple for you, it’s like this. If a friend, colleague or partner starts to treat you in a way you don’t feel is acceptable and you don’t use your inner power to change it, the universe (even though it doesn’t want this for you) will start to echo this type of experience in all four corners of your life unless you change it. It’s as if magnetic waves from your thoughts and experiences move into your aura and attract similar energy, which then brings similar experiences into your life.
It’s strangely easy to forget the fact that you are powerful and able to create amazing experiences, especially if life comes along and sweeps you up in a wave. A great tool that has helped me is being able to declare to the universe whether I feel something is in alignment and what I am ready to receive or not. For example, if something happens that I would like more of, I say ‘Yes, universe, this is what I’m talking about - this is exactly the sort of experience I enjoy and am open to receiving!’
I do exactly the same thing when something occurs that doesn’t feel congruent with my path. I say: ‘I’m grateful for this learning experience, but I am now choosing to clear from my aura all the thoughts, intentions and energy that have created this. I choose to have loving and supportive experiences into my life.’
Today you are encouraged to cultivate the power of your will. Know that every one of your thoughts, feelings, actions and experiences is preparing the next experience of your life. If something doesn’t feel right, clear it and restate your intention.
‘I choose to release challenge and embrace positive change.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Care & Compassion
Care & Compassion
First of all, the Keepers of the Light want to acknowledge all the service and commitment you have offered to others. You are all love. If you are finding it difficult with anyone at the moment, the best way you can move forwards is to go beyond wanting to understand why or how they are the way they are. Just move beyond their behaviour, mistakes and challenges. This card brings a message of friendship and care, helping you see that those around you do have the best intentions, even if it doesn’t always seem that way. Move into compassion and develop a greater understanding – this will elevate your spirit and connection to love.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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Flowing and Glowing
Flowing & Glowing
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Flowing & Glowing!
The last 10 lessons have been about accepting and expressing ourselves and, in the process, honouring and energizing our sacral chakra. This space is sacred because it allows us to create life and for that reason it’s closely associated with abundance. It’s even more exciting that the sacral centre is also the water centre of the body - and water is the element that supports abundance. The way I like to explain it is that the universe has a massive pool of energy and it’s waiting for us to draw it into our life.
That means you too: you are entitled to abundance, support and energy in your life. The universe is just standing by for you to take full advantage of what it has to offer. All the way through this section of the book we’ve recognized that there is more than enough for everyone. Today, accept your ‘enoughness’.
Today’s lesson is a little bit different from some of the others because we’re going to practise a yoga pose with movement and breath. This pose is all about strengthening our sacral centre. We’re drawing down the energy of abundance from the unlimited pool that the universe holds, and to top it all off, this is a great pose for toning the legs and butt!
The pose we are doing today is called Goddess, or Utkata Konasana, which translates as ‘Fierce Angle Pose’. We are going to do it with open arms, open palms, which represents being open to receiving abundance and energy in all forms.
If you have knee, hip or joint issues, follow the instructions below as best you can, but do this pose in a way that feels comfortable for you. It’s really not about the pose itself, it’s about the breath and the intention you are holding.
-Bring your feet 3-4 feet apart depending upon your height (the taller you are, the wider the stance).
-Turn your feet out at 45 degrees so the heels are facing towards each other and bend your knees so your bottom sinks low.
-Engage (draw in) your belly to support your back, promote your posture and strengthen your core.
-Open your palms and raise your arms towards the sky.
-As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing the abundant and unlimited energy of the universe into your arms, and as you exhale, draw your arms down, palms towards your body, and bring the energy into your sacral centre (just between the navel and the pubic bone).
-Do this as many times as you need while holding the pose - I recommend 10.
-When you have finished, bring your hands into the prayer position, straighten your legs and heel toe them closer together.
-As you stand with your hands in prayer, take a few moments to breathe and honour yourself and your guides. If you feel drawn to any saints, angels, masters or guides, know that they are standing with you and honouring you.
-When you are ready, make a silent bow to yourself and the universe.
‘I am flowing freely, feeling held and supported by the light!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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See Your Seeds Grow
Angel Message Monday
You are ready to bring life to all of your ideas, inspirations and projects. When this card appears, you are moving into a space that allows you to really grow, expand and create in a way you've never done before. There are opportunities for abundance, including financial growth, and if you're starting something new, prepare for a major expansion in your life and soul.
When the Spring card arrives in the future position of a spread or as the last care in a reading, it can also indicate that the coming spring will usher in important energies with regards to your question or intention.
Deck: Angels & Ancestors Oracle
Artist: Lily Moses
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Divine Dance Party
Divine Dance Party
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Divine Dance Party
I’ve always been up for a wee dance. I absolutely love having a shimmy and a shake to my favourite music. One thing that’s always supported me in a ‘solo’ dance-off is the idea that when I’m dancing, angels are dancing all around me.
When we move our hips from side to side and twirl, swirl and shake, we’re essentially moving into the flow of life. When we dance to our favourite music and really let loose, we let go of our fears and cares for those few minutes and on a spiritual level we express our soul through movement.
I’ve always believed in the idea of ‘victory dancing’. Victory dancing is all about manifestation. The idea is to think about your desires, your goals and your dreams and feel that the universe has already delivered them into your life. As you get high on the idea of receiving these gifts, you dance - and create the energy for them to be real. It’s as though your movement helps you harness the strength and support of the universe in physical form.
Victory dancing is something I do regularly on stage at my events and I spoke about it in my book Angel Prayers. When we do it, we’re essentially raising our vibes because we’re moving into a state of joy. And when our vibes are high, we can receive guidance and blessings and manifest our heart’s desire.
When was the last time you had a dance to your favourite song? Did you realize it was a spiritual practice?
Today you are encouraged to have a divine dance party. Clear your space and clear your vibes through the power of movement. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is and it definitely doesn’t matter what your choice of music is, just ensure it’s high energy and filled with joy.
Think about your heart’s desire, say your prayers silently or out loud, imagine your wildest of dreams being fulfilled or visualize yourself overcoming a challenge you’re working on. Feel light fill your being and allow it to radiate from your aura. Then whack on your favourite track and celebrate as if the universe has already met your needs.
‘I never dance alone - angels like to rock out too!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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