I am Presence
I am Presence
Your Message
You are experiencing a great shift, which is helping you understand yourself in ways that were previously impossible. You are connecting with the highest form of intelligence within you, the body of light within you is growing brighter, and you are becoming aware of how your actions and choices affect the unfolding of your future. The bright light you are is expressing itself unapologetically.
Deck: Gateway of Light Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
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Come home to your body
Come home to your body
Come home to your body
Have you noticed that it has become popular and even on trend to be busy? We go around with full schedules and have grown used to being on the go.
There’s nothing wrong with being busy, but sometimes when we get pulled into the vortex of activity we forget about our own needs and can miss a lot of the messages our body and soul are sending us.
Have you allowed yourself to become addicted to being busy? Do you feel lost when your schedule for the day is empty? If the answer is ‘yes’, it’s time to change that.
Have you ever noticed that if you’ve had a really busy few months, when you finally take a holiday or even a day off, you get sick? That’s your body making sure that you finally stop and just take some time to be with yourself.
When you come back to your body, you come back to the clearest guidance system you have. When you give yourself the amazing gift of more time to really listen, you’ll hear what the body wants you to know. If you take the time to check in with your body on a regular basis, you won’t have to face a more intense signal from it when it needs your attention.
Today you are encouraged to come back into your body. Take some time to give thanks for this amazing vehicle and the messages it sends you. Your body wants nothing more than to be happy and healthy, and if you really, really listen to it, it will tell you what it needs to be well.
When you become more aware of the natural rhythms and messages of your body, you will become spiritually ‘embodied’, and this deeper state of awareness will allow you to raise your vibration.
Your body is the home of your soul. Listen to it and learn how it can support you on your spiritual pathway.
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Your Message
Take time to balance out your life. You’re trying to be everywhere at once and you’ll be feeling out of synch because of this. Taking time for yourself is an important step, but also balance out your work schedule and home life. When you slow down and create a schedule, you’ll feel as though you have more time.
Extended Message
The Angels know how busy you are and that you like to do as much as you can. They are here to guide you to balance out your life because they know how tired and drained you feel trying to complete all of the tasks you have set for yourself. It’s important for you to know what balance is and how much you can do without over-exerting yourself in any way. You have the ability to balance out your home, work, family and social life so that you can feel strong, healthy and empowered.
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason McCreadie
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The Universe has a Better Plan
The Universe has a Better Plan
The Universe has a Better Plan
Sometimes it can be very easy to be pulled into the mindset that life is working against you, but it’s not! The universe is always working with your intentions so that you experience what is for your highest good, rather than what you think you want.
The Universe wants you to be happy, abundant, and fulfilled.
It loves you more than words can describe.
Let it support you.
In order to Raise Your Vibration, you want to develop this strong relationship of trust with the power of the Universe – knowing that it is always working for you and towards your highest good is essential.
There are going to be times when you get carried away with a situation or when fear gets in the way, but know the passionate emotions that rise inside of you are ok and a reminder that you care deeply about whatever situation you are in. Having emotionally overwhelming moments does not tamper with your overall vibration, so don’t let a challenging moment stand between you and the peace you deserve.
If you feel like having a tantrum or a meltdown is the only way to bust through the blocks of the emotions you are feeling – find a place for you to have the privacy you need and then let it out. When you have an emotional clear out, you create more space for you to regain your composure and move into an energy of calm.
Once you’ve let out all the emotions you needed to let go – you create more space for how you want to feel and experiencing the support the Universe can offer you.
If you are in a situation that feels stagnant, or you feel is going ‘wrong’ know that the Universe always has a greater plan. Do not let your ego or fears make you think your prayers or not answered or your manifestations are not unfolding.
When you put your energy out there – the Universe is responding. If you put it out there and then snap into impatience, you’re going to be made to wait. This is where change is required.
Be open to that greater plan. Be open to shifting your perception.
That’s how you Raise Your Vibration.
So, today, choose to know that you are being supported, held, and led by the presence of light that exists within you. Take several deep breaths and trust that the universe will co-operate with you when you co-operate with it. You are a team. Know it is your biggest fan, your greatest supporter, and the cheerleader of your soul.
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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The Miracle of Prayer
The Miracle of Prayer
Your Message
The Angels want you to know that the prayers you’ve sent to Heaven have been heard. They are encouraging you not to ask for help, but to accept it. They send an answer to every prayer you send in their direction, and are encouraging you to fill your prayers with loving thoughts and gratitude. Instead of asking for specifics, thank the Angels for guiding you to the best possible outcome for your highest good.
Extended Message
You may be feeling that your prayers aren’t being heard, but this isn’t true. Your Angels are encouraging you to shift your perceptions and see that prayer isn’t about hoping the future delivers the answer, but knowing the answer is already here and coming to you now, in the present moment. Archangel Sandalphon is drawing close to you at this time and is here to help you formulate your prayers to Heaven in a positive and loving way so that you can get the best help from above. Pray and trust – Angels are always listening.
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason McCreadie
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Kindness is Cool
Kindness is Cool
Kindness is Cool
The spiritual law of attraction is simple. It teaches that whatever we believe to be true is what we’re going to experience in the world. It’s really important to bring this ancient and sacred teaching into your awareness so that you can cultivate a mindset that is working for you, not against you.
Your inner dialogue has a lot to do with your beliefs and how you experience the world. Are the conversations in your mind mostly loving? Or are there loads of fears floating around?
It’s okay to have fears floating around, but it’s also important to know that your natural state – the greatest part of you – is love.
In honouring the natural loving state that is somewhere within you today, you are encouraged to have kind conversations with yourself. How you see and speak to yourself in the mirror has a lot to do with the beliefs that you have. So today, go to your mirror and find out what starts to happen there. Do you start criticizing what you see and who you are? How can you change your inner conversation to be more loving? How can you be kinder to yourself?
As you already know, your body is the home of your soul. It’s the temple that is holding your divine light, so why not honour that and speak to yourself in a kind way?
If you begin to chat lovingly to yourself but find that your ego self (that inner critic) puts up a fight, be kind to them too. Say, ‘Thanks for sharing, but today I choose kindness.’
When you are kind to yourself, it allows your energy to be open to kindness on all levels. You give those you love an easier time, and they give you an easier time too. Your kindness to yourself is a prayer of kindness to the world. And you’re setting an example for those around you and the generations that will follow.
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Spiritual Abundance
Spiritual Abundance
Your Message
The Angels want you to know that they are supporting you in all areas of your life. Follow your spiritual guidance and intuitive feelings and they will bring you abundance in all areas of your life. Abundance is your spiritual reward for trusting and sharing your gifts, talents and light with the world. Any material needs you have will be met at this time and you are being encouraged to surrender any of your concerns in this area of your life to Heaven. Allow the Angels to take care of them for you.
Extended Message
You are a being of abundance. You are abundant in light, energy and love, and you are being encouraged to share this in every area of your life. Instead of asking what you need, ask yourself, ‘How can I be of service?’ When you do so you will align yourself with the universal life force and it will take care of everything for you. There is a flow of support coming to you at this time and those who dedicate themselves to service will receive the abundance of God and his Angels.
Deck: Angel Prayers Oracle
Artist: Jason McCreadie
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Give Thanks to the Earth
Give Thanks to the Earth
Give Thanks to the Earth
The Earth is a wonderful place to be. Every day this incredible planet holds you, hosts you and nourishes you. Shelter, food and water all come from the planet – she’s so loving and giving.
So many people walking the Earth take ‘Her’ for granted.
They take, take, take, and never spend a moment in gratitude for all the incredible things she offers up for us. Many people, when they see natural disasters get this idea that Mother Earth is angry because it feels like she’s punishing the planet for mistreating her, but that’s not the case. She’s simply self-correcting and these moments are ‘wake up’ calls with opportunities to heal and change.
Mother Earth is like any giving and loving mother – she will do anything she can for her children and will continue to do so with all of her might. The huge problem with that, like most mothers, the Earth will put her children first, giving all of her resources until she is empty and no more.
The message from the Universe is clear:
Protect Mother Earth
When you begin to Raise Your Vibration, you will naturally want to take the steps to support the frequency of the planet. The more spiritually aware you become, the more conscious of the Earth you will become and the more you will feel called to looking after the planet.
You can begin to take small shifts – maybe you already are doing this. Ask yourself what you can do to help Mother Earth.
It can be as simple as picking litter from the beach, ocean, forest, local park or street. Feeding her birds, planting more wildflowers to help the bees or supporting a charity by planting trees.
Helping mother earth feels good and if it feels good, it means you are on purpose and raising your vibration. When you raise your energy, you raise that of the planet.
Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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