Don't give shame all the fame
Don’t give shame all the fame
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Don’t give shame all the fame
Feeling shame is more common than you think. Truth be told, we all feel some sort of shame now and then. There are always going to be things in our life we regret or that we wish we could change. There are also going to be various things about ourselves that we wouldn’t like other people to know.
Shame is a hard, overwhelming and sometimes heavy emotion that is fueled by the ego. It’s a dark little memory that makes us feel inadequate, useless and stupid. But I believe challenging emotions are just another beautiful reminder that we’re here to learn what love really is.
One way to move beyond shame is to recognize something that’s true. It might sound super bumper sticker, but here’s something that’s helped me countless times. When I feel shame, I tell myself this:
‘Without the darkness, the stars could not shine!’
When the darkness of shame arrives, it’s giving you the opportunity to be a star and shine.
Vibe of the Day
Today’s lesson looks easy but it will challenge you. In order to stop giving shame all the fame you have to drop something else; comparison.
Shame makes you feel low because your ego tries to compare your experience to someone else’s experience or to what it thinks is perfect. Either way, you are led down the road to not feeling good enough.
Today you are being invited by the universe to stop comparing yourself (and others) to the way you think things should be. Trust that everyone is doing their best with the knowledge they have - and that includes you. You have no need to feel shame because you’ve always done your best. Know this. Offer this gift to everyone you know.
‘‘Shame can only exist when I compare myself to others. I release the need to compare.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Testament of Trust
Testament of Trust
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Testament of Trust
Trust is a big deal, especially these days. We’ve all had people lying to us and people lying about us. We’ve all also endured betrayal.
To raise your vibration successfully, it’s important to surround yourself with people who are honest, trustworthy and loving. You need to be supported, you need to feel supported and you also need to be the supporting supporter - in order to encounter trustworthy people, you yourself need to be trustworthy.
Both friendships and relationships require a balance of giving and receiving. Sure, sometimes you have to give more and at other times you will be more in need, but true relationships will balance out and outshine the rest.
Being able to be honest in all relationships is crucial, because if you can’t be, you’re not being who you truly are. When you’re holding back from saying something or are unable to share a deeper aspect of yourself because you fear (or know) you’ll be made a mockery of or the information isn’t safe with that person, it’s time to change that.
I’ve found that if I want to have good friends in my life, I need to be a good friend too. If I want to have honesty, I have to be honest. If I want to feel honoured, I have to honour others.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged by the universe to offer support to those you love. Give thanks for the relationships you have in your world and ask yourself what you can do that’s loving and supportive to those around you.
Being a good friend and sticking to your word goes a long way. If you feel that you’ve not done this in the past, it’s important to work on clearing that up now. Seek forgiveness where it is needed and offer support wherever you can in order to feel more supported in your world too.
To raise your vibration you need a level of trust in your life and so it’s important to surround yourself with people you can trust and who can trust you.
Although today’s task may not be done over 24 hours, it will enable you to feel more supported and balanced in your life.
‘I offer my support and trust to those I love.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Interact with your Intuition
Interact with your Intuition
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Interact with your Intuition
Your intuition is speaking to you every day. Every time you ask yourself a question, your intuition sends you an answer or impression to do with that situation. If you’re like most of us, though, you don’t listen to the subtle messages your intuition sends you and that’s why you can never differentiate between guidance and fear.
Your intuition loves to support you and your growth. It is helped by a deep spiritual trait known as discernment. Discernment means knowing what’s right for you - it’s the ability to trust your inner promptings.
Although the universe speaks to you through your intuition, it honours your free will. So you are always free to ignore your intuition, even though this inner guidance system will be working for your highest good.
A Course in Miracles has a powerful quote that really speaks to my soul:
‘The Holy Spirit’s Voice is as loud as your willingness to listen.’
In this case the Holy Spirit’s voice is your intuition. If you are willing to listen to it, you will learn to trust the feelings that come up as guidance and follow them.
As you follow the intuitive impulses you receive, you will raise your vibrations and your aura will be shining and golden.
Vibe of the Day
Today’s lesson is a prompting to listen to the voice within. You are guided to hear what your soul has to share with you. Know that guidance from within will always be loving and will always speak in the present tense.
Spend time meditating with your soul today. Keep it simple.
+Close your eyes and visualize yourself immersed in golden light.
‘I am listening to my soul.’
+Then ask:
‘Where would you have me go today?’
‘What would you have me do today?’
‘What would you have me say?’
‘And to whom shall I say it?’
+Listen to what your soul shares with you. Trust it. It will give you many home truths. Act on them and you will connect more strongly to your intuition.
‘I trust my vibes and respond to them accordingly’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Sleep right to shine bright!
Sleep right to shine bright!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Sleep right to shine bright!
So many lightworkers switch on at night-time, not only on a mental level but on a spiritual level as well. A huge reason why we light up in the evening is that we don’t have as many distractions around us then and we have the opportunity to hear our soul voice. But a good night’s sleep is essential to raising your frequency.
In order to encourage a good night’s sleep, you need to prepare yourself before you get into bed. Instead of jumping straight in and trying to sleep, especially if you know this is difficult, you can prepare your energy, set an intention and clear the space around you so that you can move with ease into deep and fulfilling rest.
Today’s lesson is to be saved until it’s time for bed - but check it out before then so you have time to prepare.
Vibe of the Day
To get a good night’s sleep, here are the easiest three things you can do before you go to bed:
Clear the Clutter.
Physical clutter is psychic clutter. If your sleeping space has too much stuff floating around in it, then your mind will too. Clear your space and you will feel clear within.
Sit on the floor next to your bed and meditate for 5-10 minutes. You don’t have to go too deep, just do something to focus on your breathing. Do something that’s blissful - maybe imagine walking along a beautiful beach. Let your mind wander if it needs to, but make your breathing as long and deep as possible. This will give you the time to let your mind wander instead of bringing that energy into bed with you.
Set an intention.
Once you’ve finished your meditation, set the intention to relax at bedtime. Speak clearly to the universe and tell it that this is not a time for you to work, get creative or rearrange your life. Be clear that you are ready to rest and that you are grateful for its support.
‘When I sleep right, I shine bright!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Sustain your self-worth!
Sustain your self-worth!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Sustain your self-worth!
How you see yourself and how you value yourself have everything to do with the raising of your vibration. When you begin to raise yourself up and get more connected, you begin to see yourself the way the universe and angels do.
Your self-worth is your true vision of yourself. It helps you recognize that you are deserving of growth and learning on this pathway. When you top it up, you move into a state of confidence with the ability to create success from a place that is loving and balanced.
It’s so important to see yourself in a loving way. One of the greatest ways to do this is to look at yourself through the eyes of your guardian angel. Your guardian angel loves you unconditionally and has no expectations of you. They just fall in love with you each and every second. And they see beyond your looks and what we class as vanity - they see the light of your soul.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to see yourself through the eyes of your guardian angel. Know that when they look at you they look beyond your health concerns, your financial status and the labels you have given yourself and see beautiful golden light. They see a being filled with potential in a space of unlimited possibility.
+Imagine yourself as golden light. See that you are unlimited on all levels.
+Know that you are loved beyond words. Today, choose to offer yourself that same love.
+Believe that your errors are behind you now and what you do with this moment is what matters.
+Say the words in the photo
‘Today I choose to offer myself the love I deserve.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Say hello to your ego
Hello Ego!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Say ‘hello’ to your ego!
Our ego has a radical plan of its own. It likes to throw a curve ball. It loves to tip us off-balance. When it likes, it can be one nasty piece of work. Most of us end up falling out with our ego, and when we do, we start a war in our own mind. It’s time to change that.
The ego has a purpose. I know it’s hard to think of it that way, but it’s true. The ego is that voice within us that starts to write a plan for success and a plan for failure at the same time. It’s the inner voice that makes us feel special and unworthy in the same sentence. It’s the voice that give us a choice.
The purpose of the ego is to give us the opportunity to be drawn in by fear or motivated by love. On some level, it’s basically asking, ‘Are you ready to move beyond your own limitations and fears?’ The truth of the matter is that sometimes we’re not.
When we’re challenged by our ego and get sucked into the fear of failure and the war of unworthiness, there’s a part of us that’s saying, ‘I need some more love in order to move up a step!’ and we have to provide that love in order to be limitless rather than limited.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to take a different approach to your ego. When this voice starts to babble, instead of telling it to shut up, you are encouraged to say ‘hello’ and send it some love.
As soon as you hear your inner voice making a false promise or telling something that you know isn’t your essential truth (which is that you are pure love), say the words in the photo. Then get on with your day.
‘Today I choose to offer myself the love I deserve.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Inner Fire
Inner Fire
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Your inner fire is to warm you, not to burn you
You are an inspired, spiritual and exciting individual. You have recognized that you have a larger part to play in this universe and you have responded to that call. You have learned that you have a solar light within you and you have recognized that you have divine inspiration moving through you at all times.
When you are receiving ideas and inspiration, it’s important to know the universe always works on divine timing. It doesn’t have any expectations of you, nor does it give you any time restrictions.
You are moving at the right pace for you and you are encouraged to acknowledge that. Your inner fire motivates you, encourages you and guides you.
The universe and its angels want to support you and your dreams. So take a step back and allow this divine support in. It’s very easy to get sucked into a task or a dream, pour all of your energy into it and burn yourself out. Also, if you’re always trying to be in control of a situation and can’t take a step back to review where you are right now, there’s a chance you’re blocking your dream from happening. Your angels of light are with you now and they want you to know that it’s important to stay interested in your goals, but don’t put so much of your energy into them that you end up feeling drained and depleted. Draw on the support of the universe and trust in its divine timing.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged to take a step back and allow the universe to meet you halfway. Recognize that whatever dream or goal you are working on is coming to fruition in its own good time and that over-possessiveness can end up holding you back rather than taking you forwards.
Know that you have done what you need to and hand the rest over to the universe. Know angels are gladly taking over from here so you can be guided to your highest good.
+Imagine you are taking the situation that’s worrying you or burning you out into your hands. Hold them wide open.
+Lift your hands up to heaven and imagine that an angel of golden light is taking this situation from you and taking it to heaven. Say the words from the picture as you do this.
‘I move into the balance of giving and receiving.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Solar Power, Solar Plexus
Solar Power, Solar Plexus
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Solar Power, Solar Plexus
Our chakras are crucial to the raising of our vibration. I like to think of them as the spiritual anatomy, and when we look after that anatomy we are able to express more aspects of our true self and soul.
As we have seen, our solar plexus is important because it represents our willpower, our drive and our ability to achieve. It is the sun of our body. For this reason it’s important to keep it balanced, energized and focused. When it’s drained of energy, we can lose our drive and sense of direction and even be overwhelmed mentally. When it has too much energy moving through it, we can become addicted to being busy and have too many ideas we can’t honour or follow through.
Maintaining a balanced solar plexus isn’t as difficult as you might think. In fact it’s so simple to be in touch with your solar plexus that it’s easily forgotten by many on the spiritual path.
Your solar plexus allows you to access solar power from within so that you can create a sense of movement, excitement and ease in your life. As you maintain the balance of this space you allow your spiritual energy to move to a higher frequency and you are able to receive divine guidance and creative surges in a way that feels approachable and inspired.
Vibe of the Day
Today we will do a simple meditation exercise in which we encourage the solar plexus to move and radiate in a way that’s balanced.
+Sit in a way that feels comfortable to you. Either on the floor or on a chair is completely cool.
+Encourage your shoulders to relax. Maybe roll them forwards and back a few times. Ease off your neck and roll it from side to side.
+Once you feel more comfortable, bring your hands to your solar plexus centre.
+Breathe into your hands. Feel your belly expand with each and every in-breath.
+Imagine that with every in-breath you are drawing light from the sun into your body and it’s moving into the centre of your being. As this light comes into your body, it washes away all challenges, constrictions and conflicts from within. You move into a state of balance with your whole being.
+Stay there for as long as you need, breathing light into your solar plexus and exhaling the old and stale energy that been standing between you and your inner power.
+When you’re ready, set your intention using the words above.
‘I have accessed the light of my soul and I share it with the world!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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