Trust in Higher Forces
Trust in Higher Forces
There are spiritual allies working in favour and their miracles will unfold much more easily when you move into a state of trust. So call back your power and stop allowing external forces to divert you from the miracles you deserve. Hand over all of your concerns to your spiritual allies. When you do so, you allow them to send you intuitive guidance and messages that will allow you to correct this situation and come out on top. The Shaman card also show that you have shamanic potential to move between the realms and connect with your guides in an extremely personal way.
Deck: Angels & Ancestors
Artist: Lily Moses
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Ignite your Light!
Ignite your Light!
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Ignite your Light!
Your solar energy is strong now. You are balanced. Free of shame. Filled with inspiration. In touch with your inner voice and integrated with your intuition.
You were made to shine. Your light is within you now and the world is ready to see it.
Today you are invited to turn your light on in a conscious way and to send it out into the world. You are invited to do this whole process with a simple pose.
Vibe of the Day
-Bring your feet together. Separate your heels slightly if this is uncomfortable.
-Squeeze your inner thighs towards each other and gently scoop your bottom underneath you.
-Draw your belly in lightly to generate energy in your solar plexus centre.
-Roll your shoulders back and have your palms at your sides facing forwards. Welcome to Tadasana or ‘Mountain Pose’.
-Imagine that you are turning a light on in your belly. This light is shining more and more brightly until it is shining all the way through your body. The drawing-in of your belly is encouraging this light to move up and down your spine and through all the major extremities of your body.
-That light moves to your hands. As you feel it reach them, sweep them up into the air.
-Drawing your shoulders down (which keeps the chest engaged and the heart open), imagine that you are sending that light of yours to the four corners of the world. You aren’t losing your energy but sharing it with the entire world.
-Once you feel you have done this you can bring your hands back down to your heart centre in prayer style and make a silent bow to yourself.
-Celebrate the fact that you’ve finally embraced your light and shared it with the world!
‘Today I ignite my light and shine brightly in the world!’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Open your Heart
Open your Heart
There are opportunities for you to love and be loved at this time. This card brings positive, loving and even romantic experiences into your life so you can feel whole again. You are an old romantic at heart and it is the small things that count to you. By taking this opportunity to open your heart and let love in, you will allow yourself to settle, be romanced and have a positive, balanced relationship. The Angels want you to know it is safe to love and trust any new relationships or existing romantic relationships in your life at this time.
Deck: Angel Prayers
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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Don't give shame all the fame
Don’t give shame all the fame
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Don’t give shame all the fame
Feeling shame is more common than you think. Truth be told, we all feel some sort of shame now and then. There are always going to be things in our life we regret or that we wish we could change. There are also going to be various things about ourselves that we wouldn’t like other people to know.
Shame is a hard, overwhelming and sometimes heavy emotion that is fueled by the ego. It’s a dark little memory that makes us feel inadequate, useless and stupid. But I believe challenging emotions are just another beautiful reminder that we’re here to learn what love really is.
One way to move beyond shame is to recognize something that’s true. It might sound super bumper sticker, but here’s something that’s helped me countless times. When I feel shame, I tell myself this:
‘Without the darkness, the stars could not shine!’
When the darkness of shame arrives, it’s giving you the opportunity to be a star and shine.
Vibe of the Day
Today’s lesson looks easy but it will challenge you. In order to stop giving shame all the fame you have to drop something else; comparison.
Shame makes you feel low because your ego tries to compare your experience to someone else’s experience or to what it thinks is perfect. Either way, you are led down the road to not feeling good enough.
Today you are being invited by the universe to stop comparing yourself (and others) to the way you think things should be. Trust that everyone is doing their best with the knowledge they have - and that includes you. You have no need to feel shame because you’ve always done your best. Know this. Offer this gift to everyone you know.
‘‘Shame can only exist when I compare myself to others. I release the need to compare.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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The Miracle of Prayer
The Miracle of Prayer
You may be feeling like your prayers aren't being heard, but this isn't true. Your Angels are encouraging you to shift your perceptions and see that prayer isn't about hoping the future delivers the answer, but knowing the answer is already here and coming to help you formulate your prayers to Heaven in a positive and loving way so that you can get the best help from above. Pray and trust - Angels are always listening.
Deck: Angel Prayers
Artist: Jason Mccreadie
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Testament of Trust
Testament of Trust
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Testament of Trust
Trust is a big deal, especially these days. We’ve all had people lying to us and people lying about us. We’ve all also endured betrayal.
To raise your vibration successfully, it’s important to surround yourself with people who are honest, trustworthy and loving. You need to be supported, you need to feel supported and you also need to be the supporting supporter - in order to encounter trustworthy people, you yourself need to be trustworthy.
Both friendships and relationships require a balance of giving and receiving. Sure, sometimes you have to give more and at other times you will be more in need, but true relationships will balance out and outshine the rest.
Being able to be honest in all relationships is crucial, because if you can’t be, you’re not being who you truly are. When you’re holding back from saying something or are unable to share a deeper aspect of yourself because you fear (or know) you’ll be made a mockery of or the information isn’t safe with that person, it’s time to change that.
I’ve found that if I want to have good friends in my life, I need to be a good friend too. If I want to have honesty, I have to be honest. If I want to feel honoured, I have to honour others.
Vibe of the Day
Today you are encouraged by the universe to offer support to those you love. Give thanks for the relationships you have in your world and ask yourself what you can do that’s loving and supportive to those around you.
Being a good friend and sticking to your word goes a long way. If you feel that you’ve not done this in the past, it’s important to work on clearing that up now. Seek forgiveness where it is needed and offer support wherever you can in order to feel more supported in your world too.
To raise your vibration you need a level of trust in your life and so it’s important to surround yourself with people you can trust and who can trust you.
Although today’s task may not be done over 24 hours, it will enable you to feel more supported and balanced in your life.
‘I offer my support and trust to those I love.’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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Phases and Cycles
Phases and Cycles
A phase of your life may be coming to an end, but it's important to acknowledge it's not THE end. When one door closes, another opens. You may have been desperate for change, but now that it's here, you could feel vulnerable. Know that the mighty goddess Freya will guide you. Illusions are now being revealed so that you can leave behind anything that is false, step into your peaceful warrior-like energy and welcome the changes you deserve. Tie up all loose ends and take heart. This is an exciting time.
Deck: Keepers of the Light
Artist: Lily Moses
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Interact with your Intuition
Interact with your Intuition
High Vibe Thursday
Vibe of the Day: Interact with your Intuition
Your intuition is speaking to you every day. Every time you ask yourself a question, your intuition sends you an answer or impression to do with that situation. If you’re like most of us, though, you don’t listen to the subtle messages your intuition sends you and that’s why you can never differentiate between guidance and fear.
Your intuition loves to support you and your growth. It is helped by a deep spiritual trait known as discernment. Discernment means knowing what’s right for you - it’s the ability to trust your inner promptings.
Although the universe speaks to you through your intuition, it honours your free will. So you are always free to ignore your intuition, even though this inner guidance system will be working for your highest good.
A Course in Miracles has a powerful quote that really speaks to my soul:
‘The Holy Spirit’s Voice is as loud as your willingness to listen.’
In this case the Holy Spirit’s voice is your intuition. If you are willing to listen to it, you will learn to trust the feelings that come up as guidance and follow them.
As you follow the intuitive impulses you receive, you will raise your vibrations and your aura will be shining and golden.
Vibe of the Day
Today’s lesson is a prompting to listen to the voice within. You are guided to hear what your soul has to share with you. Know that guidance from within will always be loving and will always speak in the present tense.
Spend time meditating with your soul today. Keep it simple.
+Close your eyes and visualize yourself immersed in golden light.
‘I am listening to my soul.’
+Then ask:
‘Where would you have me go today?’
‘What would you have me do today?’
‘What would you have me say?’
‘And to whom shall I say it?’
+Listen to what your soul shares with you. Trust it. It will give you many home truths. Act on them and you will connect more strongly to your intuition.
‘I trust my vibes and respond to them accordingly’
Book: Raise Your Vibration
Author: Kyle Gray
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